@Prophetiko update, Smiles will be my champion in this battle royal.

Edit: day 33 on original post!! Sorry
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Got to admit I have never seen anything quite like that. I don't know if long term excess nitrogen will do that or is it an artichoke plant :doc1:.

I don't know about artichokes, but the first set of trues came out on extended stems on just water. Maybe it's my breath?:rofl::pass:

Edit: I've never seen a land race or pure Ruderalis plant. I wonder if there is a resemblance?
My submission will be Creme Bubbly
Unfortunately, this grow has gone horribly
Plants are still in solo cups because I have no space to pot them up.
They are severely rootbound and suffering tremendous lockouts

Ill post pics later once in back home
@Ripper @Prophetiko Well here we are at day 29 for the girls. The Monster Profits and rear Blue Brilliant are doing well and received their second training prune this morning. They are exhibiting beautiful indica traits with big broad leaves and short internode lengths. Each plant has been trimmed to stimulate 8 main colas per plant. I am using Nebula Haze's manifold training method. The front Blue Brilliant is looking a little better every day. She has a more sativa look than her sister. I just hope she can overcome her troubled start. The SCROG net will be installed soon to assist in holding the plants upright since the tops can easily outweigh the Hugo blocks. Of course the girl for this competition is front and center!

Update, Mephisto SODK, Day 39. Getting big, like always I rue the day I bought a 5' tall tent. I had to super crop her main because she was pushing less than 18" below the COB and I think she has a little stretch left in her. I switched to 1/2 veg and 1/2 bloom nutes, and will go full bloom nutes next feeding. Looks like she may turn into a good one. I have her on only 600 ppm and will up it some when I go full bloom nutes. Better pics next time, I was in a hurry.
3-5 (3).JPG
Here is my update my fellow COB enthusiasts.
View attachment 873888 View attachment 873889

Sure is amazing what they can put on the chip. My hats off to the designers who figure this stuff out. I went looking at the sources, planning a DIY before our resident experts were here and all the combinations were listed along with diagrams of the chip and where each wavelength was situated on the face of the chip. Pages and pages of them. Mind boggling.