Indoor ChillFreds Perpetual Cannabis Adventure


Medical Stoner
Jan 1, 2016
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HEY and WELCOME to my little corner here at AFN!

I decided that I wanted to have one "homethread" and since i recently had to abandon my plans of having an outdoor/greenhouse garden this year, i realize my perpetual thread is best suited in the indoor section.

I grow in a small cabinet (80x120cm) with 4 air-intakes, carbonfilter, silencer, fan... Yeah the whole kit! If plants grow to tall i snap their neck, no scrog this grow! I'm stuffin a lot of plants in there!!
I'm running a 300w LED Growboard (actual 300w). My prefered schedule is 24/0, i dont believe in rest!! But since the plants i'm running atm were started in my window for the first 15! Days of their life, i'm only running 19/5 atm, but i'm planning on upping an hour once a week to finally reach 24/0 at harvest... Never tried this before!!

Atm i have 10 plants from an Automix i recieved as freebies from Stone at the Portal, they are regular seeds so they are in rather small pots (1-3L) untill they show gender. The females will be transplanted into 7L plastic pots and 11L smartpots. They are currently at around day 20 but look like theyre in the span 7-15 days old... Theyve been in the cabinet for 5 days and have picked up a lot since! Theyre all in biobizz light mix soil, uncut, no nutrients used up until today.

I also have 3 feminized Fairy Frost, 2 off which have a 30L airpot each. My hydrostore was out of the light mix i prefer so i had to try something new... Instead i picked up Coco and biobizz all mix since i remember that's what @Bailey grows in. And as instructed by bailey these are in a mix of 60% all mix and 40% coco. The last one in is in a smaller pot but will be transplanted this weekend. They are about 15 days old.

Today all plants recieved their first feed. I use the Advanced Nutrients line for this grow.
I sat the tapwater out for 24 hours prior and then added;
1ml/l Grow A
1ml/l Grow B
1ml/l Voodoo Juice
1ml/l Carboload
And ph'd to 6,2.

I'll get some pics up and running either tonight or tomorrow!

As always, Thanks for stopping by!
Stay stoned!
Yeah im borrowing a phone atm, and its a pain to take pics with but here you go
Awesome my friends.
I hope they produce for me... I dont really like the all mix, i prefer the lightmix and adding the nutes she ask for. I wont dare to feed them every day as im used to so to start with, i feed them nutes every other day and un ph'd tapwater the days they get no nutes.
My plants are really starting to pick up, about time...
i backtracked and manage to figure out that my automix are 23 days old and the Fairy Frosts are 16 days old. Still no signs of sex.
My phone is getting repaired atm and im not too happy about taking picks with this phone.
For some reason my phone will only let me upload one pic at a time. I know my plants look a bit hurt, but they had a tough start, but most of them have picked up a lot the past few days...thrre are a few runts which ill toss when plants have started showing sex and i hope i can make the upcomming 7-8 weeks as comfortable as possible for the rest... I believe the ones that are doing the best all smell like males when i rub the stem. But im hoping im wrong... Thanks for stoppin by!
Hey @Bailey thought id sub you in, i'm really excited to see how my soil/coco mix works out. The two airpots have the 60/40 mix and i'm gonna start feeding daily cuz i think they can take it. I hope this grow gets a move on soon, but considering the progress theyve made since they moved in under the LED i'm not too worried, except for 2 plants that just dont wanna get a move on... Imy phone is broken but as soon as i get it back i'm gonna start puttin more effort into my pics! Peace bro
Subbed in and looking forward to seeing you grow these girls bro nice setup aswell I do disagree on ure preferred light schedule as I do believe plants need a rest it only natural but I do know the science behind it I just always go with 18/6 and my close friend goes 20/4 I have seen grows on here go hermie with no rest but that could also bad genetics.
End of my rant lol looking good bro