Photoperiod Cherry Triangle indoor Coots Mix 65gallon in a 3x3!

Ya nice garden Bro . Goooooooooo Michigan growers. Still surreal about recreational marijuana being legal. After all the bs we ( cannabis lovers ) I have put up with over the years. Great to be a grower because the access to provisioning shops is a joke. And all the places opting out of cannabis selling is effin stupid. Ya let the people die from opiates because their doc prescribed. Well we are free at last enjoy bro just wish the same for everyone :woohoo:
Looks like they are getting frosty bud.
Frostier every day, this is the fun part man. Or one of them lol

Ya nice garden Bro . Goooooooooo Michigan growers. Still surreal about recreational marijuana being legal. After all the bs we ( cannabis lovers ) I have put up with over the years. Great to be a grower because the access to provisioning shops is a joke. And all the places opting out of cannabis selling is effin stupid. Ya let the people die from opiates because their doc prescribed. Well we are free at last enjoy bro just wish the same for everyone :woohoo:
You said it man :headbang: