Photoperiod Cherry Triangle indoor Coots Mix 65gallon in a 3x3!

Busy day at home. Im an essential worker lol, so still been going in, but home with the youngest today. Making an infused coconut oil, decarbed a bunch of small gg buds and 12g of AK, and now it’s in the jar in the slowcooker with my liquid coco oil. This is the best infusion I’ve found by far, the flavor is great, the oil is healthy, and it metabolizes well. The ak and gg mix is usually really uplifting and calming without being the slightest bit sleepy, and last time a quarter of a ml was enough to last me 4-6 hours. That means 1 batch was like 800 doses!

Also planting a couple seeds, some landrace Sinai from Egypt. Planning on flowering young, probably under the ts600, just to check it out.
Damn, she over dried in the tent. Small buds below the canopy still seem not quite dry enough, but even when i jar those with the colas they’re showing 53% rh after a night in the jar. Oh well, still learning. She smells amazing, so sticky and trich laden. Smells like vanilla, cherry, kush. Also jarred up the cosmic queen x 24 carat, that one smells like a grapefruit/mango. Tried it last night, flavor not there all the way yet but the buzz was just what i like, energetic and clear(ish) and uplifting/psychedelic. Probably have about 5oz of the CT jarred now and no idea how much is left to do.
Still working on trimming, so far at 9 ounces of nice buds and a good chunk of real buds left to process. The buds are so nice to look at, purple and green, generous frost, and bright orange hairs. They really pop in my cabinet.
Ummmm is it just me or is she starting to flower? Seed that came out of the gorilla glue, she’s been under 18/6 with the clones. Looks to me like she’s decided to just get on with her life?
Whew! 11 ounces of nice buds, a couple oz of cooking buds, and I’m glad to be done! Still have a little more lol. Tent is reset for GMO transplant, I’ll probably just wait until she’s on her feet and then flip. Need to find a way to cool better, esp in the summer months.
GMO went into the tent today. My first handful of dirt was full of happy worms, which i think is a good sign. I’ve got 48 nightcrawlers to dump in there too, we will see if they survive. Still some gnats, but they are part of the food chain, so oh well.
Pretty height limited, and I’ve been told this one is a monster during flower, so I’m planning on flipping before too long passes. I guess we’ll see.