Photoperiod Cherry Triangle indoor Coots Mix 65gallon in a 3x3!

Took her down tonight. The second pic in that previous sequence was the neglected 24 carat cosmic queen. Hung her whole in the tent for now, I’ll check on her tomorrow morning.
I’ve got no experience drying in the tent. She’s pretty dense in the middle with all her fan leaves still on, my plan is to leave her whole for a couple days and then strip her fans and some clutter from the middle as I start to drop rh closer to 45 or 50 for awhile.
Right now the tent is 58%, 68 degrees.
Looking crazy good their bud! Awesome work all the way around! Looking forward to seeing how the outdoor round goes for ya!
Cut up a cola from Cherry Triangle, she has been hanging for 6 days. This cola was lower than the others (upside down) and dried faster. It was one of the unusually large, probably heat sponsored buds, im hoping the rest of the plant is denser buds. It wasnt bad, but could have been better. Either way, 1/2oz in a jar, smells great already, and the sugar leaves have a strong cherry flavor with swampy kush and pine/lemon undertones. That cherry really comes through!

Whoops 52% rh in the jar, might have let that bud dry a little too far. Hopefully it stabilizes tomorrow.
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