I thought I'd take a wee second so i can attract your attention too "ME" that right i'm the one and make no mistake about it... Now to the business side of thing's cause times money for the hardened growers out their you'd do best and remember one wee thing and that's this name "GREENgurner" for in time you will learn too fear it !!Uh um yeah really seriously i'm real, LOL honestly i can see all your scalps pinned on ma mantel colecting dust... Am starting my 1st journal the nite an al see you all again in six months. Now that being said goodbye and good luck
I call 2nd @Fairlynew

Lol but with all seriousness welcome to AFN @GREENgurner can you post a link to your grow I would love to follow along to see what will strike fear into my heart my man
Well What i have today is a one hefty case folk's:face: cause am looking at A-train's rep and it's giving me some seriously sare neck syndrome ? Hello up their... But then again that wee voice at the back of my mind is still saying nae worries I've got this lol indeed A-train i can almost hear the roars of glory right now yip yip their it is what ? my god a can even taste it!! Lol needless to say i smoke too much plus i'm Scottish & thanks for popping onto my journal bit by bit al get it sorted bye the now
Sounds good to me see you six months. Welcome to AFN and I hope you smash it out of the park in six months
Hey fairlynew i see your looking at starting in 6 weeks or so, isn't that about perfect timing for two grow's or in my little warlordy mind 5 month 29day's give or take a day or two ...Its Because in all honesty the fact You're using words like "smash it" & "six month's" tells me your playing mind games with me and that your blatant baiting me is nothing less than a declaration of war? Now can you tell me am i right :pimphand: lol i love these thing's :muahaha: don't get me wrong people i'm a nice guy but i clearly see fairlynew's warmongering mind grinding away lol
So guys and gals its time to GET IT ON i am calling out the one and only autopot king @Hansbricks .you have been the autopot king far to long my friend its time for this autopot noob to dethrone the king.i would like to challenge you to DP Auto night queen because after this battle you will no longer be a king but my queen