New Grower Cfl to led transition.. How to approach this?

Jan 4, 2016
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Just got my LED's unwrapped and was wondering if I need to ease my babies into the LED lights' intensive glow. They're (NLA's) currently in pre flower stage under CFL's (2700k-6500k) growing steadily... I thought I read somewhere that if you flower with LEDs you should veg with LEDs. But either way I think LEDs would make better flowers, my main concern is stressing them out or burning them.

So far my plan is to keep the LEDs above the CFL's and slowly move it closer to the plants and gradually remove CFL's unless otherwise needed to flower undergrowth...

Any advice is welcome... Hoping for some veteran help (Atrain) but will take any I can get. ;-)
I don't personally see why you would have to ease them into LED usage, but that's just me. I'm curious to see others input.
Thanks guys, really appreciate the input. Since I don't want to double my watts by adding the LEDs to my cfls. Lol. I think a slight lowering to eventually about 18". I used my "light meter" to see how bright these sucker are compared to cfl.
Cfls have a Nor+ rating at 2" away from Bulb, yeeesh. And that's max output range... Compared to these tandem 48x5 reflectors (mars hydro) which have the same rating at " 2 feets" away.. Lol

Again thanks for your time guys... Cheers ☺

Anyone elses opinion is welcome there's still time....
Hey snid throw that led on them. I moved from cfl to led a while back with no thought to ask. I just hooked up the led and bang. Never looked back. But if you don't have calmag get u some. Just my 2cents
Thanks very much flynfish, that's pretty much what I plan on doing.. Cal mag has been a staple for my plants the whole time... I've set the LEDs at 30" and will lower to 18"-24" depending on their effect on my babies. I'm hopeful for a much denser bud harvest, cfls by the dozen didn't come close to some of the LED buds I've seen here...

Cheers all!
No problem glad I could help. I've learned a lot from all these guys I call the AFN family. Young and old.ha-ha. Gues u can teach an old dog new tricks