Good post, interesting perspective.
A few comments
- the running cost, the CDM uses almost 5 times as much electricity as the HS1, 340 W (including ballast) vs 75 W, ok, lets say 2,5 - 3 times as much in real terms due to large coverage area for the CDM. Then there is the yearly cost of CDM bulb replacement, 110 Euro cheapest I have seen vs no HS1 replacement cost.
- The purchase price, at least in Europe, is higher for the CDM than the HS1, App. £450 vs £375....if I haven't lost the knack of finding the best price.... Lol
-Those numbers add up to a significant cost disadvantage for the CDM over say 5 years. I can buy 2 HS1's and still come out with some pennies in my pocket, and more flexibility in light coverage. This of course assuming 2 HS1's is roughly equivalent to 1 CDM, which is not easy nail down from what I have read here and elsewhere. And I have done a fair bit of reading lately..... Lol
Please don't get me wrong, I am just trying to get a meaningful, "objective" and level-headed discussion going about this.
I and about to kit out a 150 x 170 x 240 cm Gorilla tent. So which way to go, all HS1(I have been advised 8 is adequate for 8 plants, better with 12 for more than 8 plants, and the bee's knees with 16 for unlimited botanical frolicking, SCRoG and SoG), or do I mix HS1 and CDM, or go only CDM (say 6 CD's although at a still higher cost than 16 HS1's over 5 years, and using 2 kW vs 1 kW which makes me worry about the lecce meter and what conclusion the power company could jump to when comparing to past usage, let alone having to deal with the extra heat generated, both sumner and winter although for different reasons).....?????
If TaNg, Ganjamoto and a few others can achieve amazing results with the HS1, then it is a matter of others to match their growing skill, because clearly the HS1 is up to some serious business if matched with the right skills and the usual "optimal" environment conditions, temperature, humidity, root aeration and so on.
I am leaning towards a couple of CDM's and HS1 for the balance, perhaps with a partition in between just to see if there is any noticeable difference...
Well, dunno, nothing has been carved in stone just yet, but the Tent arrives next week, so it won't be long before the chisel has to come out.....!!!