Nice growing, genetics & lights! QB’s seems to be getting more popular on this site , I love mine . What swayed you to QB’s over other options?
Nice growing, genetics & lights! QB’s seems to be getting more popular on this site , I love mine . What swayed you to QB’s over other options?

Thanks @Burn victim! Just reading on here and over at GC, plus a lot of research. Could of got a blurple and it would have been cheaper...real glad I didn't:yay:
Oh yea, I'm kinda a geek, so building my own light was a no-brainer.
Thanks @Burn victim! Just reading on here and over at GC, plus a lot of research. Could of got a blurple and it would have been cheaper...real glad I didn't:yay:
Oh yea, I'm kinda a geek, so building my own light was a no-brainer.
Definitely agree on the no - brainer! They are less complicated to build wiring wise than cobs or strips imo & cheaper. Not having the additional costs of heat sinks & the weight is a nice option to have . Hey if you’re old school & used to growing photo’s not auto’s , try vegging photos while you’re auto’s grow . Then flipp to 12/12 when the auto’s finish. Fast flowering indica’s work well for this . You might need a bigger tent , but vegging plants don’t need as much light as I’m sure you know ;)
Day 29 update. Bad news today, we have powdery mildew:mad::cuss:Found it early, just a few spots on about five leaves. I removed any lower leaves that are crowded and overlapping. Sprayed a solution of baking soda (1 tsp to a qt of distilled water) and sprayed some on a paper towel and wiped offending leaves. Tomorrow I'm gonna spray again, this time using Ed Rosenthal's method of 4 oz milk to a qt of water and 1 tsp baking soda. Started running my vent fan 24/7 keeping my RH under 50% and running my circ fans 24/7. This would absolutely suck loosing these plants:eek::cuss::cuss:
ouch, sorry man, not dealt with PM myself but glad you've gotta plan already :bump:

Good thing is the leaves that had it were low on the plant and not near the tops. My last resort would be an OMRI fungicide at the local home depot. Caught it early so I can keep it from spreading or getting more widespread.

Edit: Going down to local Bed, Bath and Beyond to pick up a dehumidifier. A small one that I may have to empty 2 - 3 times a day. After lights went out RH climbed to 63%:cuss:
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