Day 19 update. Good morning y'all. I did some slurry tests on all plants and the plants are eating like crazy. Three of the plants had ppm #'s below 200 and 1 was at 262. The three that are below 200 are OD#1=183, OD#2=157 and FC#2=159. Those three are the ones showing various levels of clawing. Nectar is a whole lot different then using any other nute line, and the claw is due to not enough calcium. All in all these plants are doing awesome. They are now just starting to enter their stretch. Also got a soil moisture meter and found I need to feed everyday, they are some thirsty girls.

Forgotten Cookies [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Forgotten Cookies [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Orange Diesel [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Orange Diesel [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
Day 24 update. Livin' and learnin'. Getting some yellow tips on some of the newer growth. My guess is that I used FullOn with my last Nectar feeding and that may have caused it. I also introduced Nourish-L from Microbe Life for my tea day. Nourish-L is also a nutrient uptake facilitator. I need to remember to reduce my Nectar inputs by 10 - 20% when using FullOn. Looks like my clawing problem is getting better since I'm giving more calcium. Did another serious defoliation, removing 2 more sets of fans from the main stem. Stretching is the jam now. The OD's seem a little slower to stretch, especially OD [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] which has been the runt from the get go. The taco/canoe leaves on all the plants seem to happen near the end of the light on cycle along with the drooping. I also turned up the light (still not full power) and am keeping it about 20 inches above the tallest plant, plus the soil is drying out and they will get a good feeding when they wake. I am really interested in FC [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], it looks like a more sativa leaning pheno as opposed to FC [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. All for now, keep 'er lit y'all:smoking:




Day 27 just before lights out. The Forgotten Cookies on the right are showing the late light cycle drooping as always. Overall, they are doing wonderful with no serious issues. The FC's always seem to droop at the end of the light cycle, but stand up nicely till about three hours before lights out. Since I don't have a dehumidifier I may start running my vent fan 24/7 to keep the RH down. The OD's and the one FC in the rear are showing canoeing leaves due to the humidity climbing when the vent fan shuts down.