Harvest & Curing CannaZone product testing of Trim Bin by Harvest-More

Trim Bin has been taken for a spin. I didn't run any buds or trim through the screen as I am low on both atm. I did use the bin, itself, for trimming

I trimmed this

And started like this

I used all three pieces together. In my test run, the top piece didnt seem beneficial at all, unless your sugar leaves are smaller than mine.

This is what fell through, naturally.

Next time I will use only the screen and catch tray.

I didn't run the leaves on the screen either. I will be using those for concentrates. For this reason, I didn't expect much keif, if any, to accumulate.

The bin was comfortable to work in. I had never realized how nice it would be to rest my arms. The high walls made it easier to contain, which equalls less mess. And less of me getting yelled at, that the dog is eating leaves.

When I have an abundance of trim, I plan on trying the screen. Also, next harvest I will have some everclear, to put the scissor scrubber to use.

Thanks again for the opportunity AFN, @briman, and Harvest More.
Another Documentation
Will follow this post
But I figured i would post about the cleanup
Process of this product since a clogged/dirty screen will prevent the maximum Kief to work thru the screen.. What this will cause is of course lost product but also it could cause the material to be overworked in an attempt to get every last bit...Now, Im not one who believes in quantity over quality and after a quick "roll on the screen" the material could go to edibles or the trash
On to rhe pics, shall we...
the first pic although poor quality was to show the mesh and how it gets "clogged" from the oils
This pic sows the brush and the oils that it has soaked up.. Again, no good for a quality end product
The mesh is held onto the tray with phillips screws which are easily removed... Iso alcohol is then used on the screen to give it a thorough cleaning..bonus.. It evaporates quickly. After the wash and a shot of canned air followed by a light once over with a lint free cloth the screen is re-attatched to the bin and ready for action
The brush is also washed and dried
both look like new!!!
Hope this helps keep your Trim Bin in peak condition!!
More to follow.....​
To start, a pile of trim is placed on the screen, what i have found is that this pioe is too much to work at once, about half as much is ideal, remember, wuick processing then remove it

The lower pic shows what happens when the material is overworked, remember, 150 mic is a pretty "loose" screen and more plant matter will make it thru if its overworked, some plant material is to be expected


This is an ideal amount of material ti be rolled with the credit card before being brushed back and forth a few times

Heres the amount of material used and the return, not weighed...

This close up with the phone camera still shows plant matter in the kief


Not bad looking, it is a good way to het some usable product from the leftovers that i would normally throw out


Cheers... Now wheres me hash pipe!!!!​
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Is there a @harvestmore @trimbin rep onsite?? I had a few questions
So this weeks post will start with some buds that were water extracted twice before a final shake for some kief..
this pic shows the amount of fine kief left for what will be its last push for any product

Bud kief to the left, is more of a natural color, the first ran trim to the right has the typical greenish tint/blonde color
Both will smoke just fine for me !!!!
Heres another use for the trim bin mesh tray.... My grinders needed an iso bath, and now they are ready for their screens to be opened up..
both of these grinders have the kief collector( i have a single stage pos too).. The screens in them is different mic


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Frozen buds from the deep freeze:
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Cut down a bit and hand rolled through the plastic grate:
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And then just gently moving the material back and forth, back and forth, back and forth (a lot. Watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia while you do it, helps pass the time.)
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