Indoor CannabsiMingus' ongoing grow thread

3x3 tent update Day 33: Sweet Nurse in front, two Sour Stompers in back (one 2x potted). Tent filled out nicely:



Sweet Nurse:

Sour Stomper:
As the Millennials say - Bussin’ - cuz. Shit is falling out them tents :bump:
Thanks man - I'm pleased with the grows for sure. It's really hands off - just LOS and water-only Autopots. I turn off the Aps 1x week, let it dry for 24 hours, and then top feed a mixture of Roots O Terp Tea (Bloom and Bloom Booster), plus Recharge, Rooted Leaf Peak Bloom and Resin Bloom, and a drop of yucca. Some minimal defoliation for air flow as I go along. That's it. Seems to working well with both autos and fast photos.