Cannabis Capsules - A Step-By-Step Guide

Well I have done some math (my math skills are not stellar) but for a small batch 4 caps: .5g of bud, 3.548 ML of coconut oil and follow the same procedure as the original. The (00) capsules should hold .91 ML per capsule.

I have been reading a lot of coconut cap recipes so those numbers may not be from this thread...just realized that.
Thank you kindly for access to this.Im trying to catch up here and several other places too.WOW! Lots of great things going on here.WOW!I love each and everyone of you! ya'll know that right!? :D
Ive been growing cannabis and making my own coconut oil caps for over 2 years now....actually I found this site after searching for a way to keep my NonHodgkins Lymphoma from relapseing....
my doctors offered noting as a preventative measure,so I began an internet search.....I found a video on y-tube about Rick Simpson's oil made from cannabis.....through a comment suggesting he grow "autoflowering cannabis" to shorten grow time and increase production...I found AFN..

although despite every effort on my part to keep the cancer in check,it has morphed into a b cell lymphoma that is very aggressive....I treat the discomfort of the tumor load pressing on my organs with MMJ capsules exclusively....I have several un-filled prescriptions for oxycodone and hydrocodone waiting to be picked up at the pharmacy....I hate opiates and their side-effects...
constipation,listlessness and constantly worrying and watching the clock to take another dose exactly on time to avoid a lapse of coverage...
In hospital undergoing r-ice chemo I was given pain meds through the P.I.C.C. I.V. line.....without my knowledge or approval....I received Morphene and Dilodid ....most would appreciate the relief from pain,but the pain is amplified and extremely annoying as the injection wears off...leaving you as bad or worse off without them.
cannabis in coconut oil capsules seems to work best in my case...they are harmless,non-addicting and they work on the nausea so that I can eat and keep food down....all I can ask for at this point.
the capsules are saving my life.
:bong:there should be a hug button like the like so thrilled you all find relief...even if gonna try this for my pain and mental health....
These capsules have much potential, I am so happy to hear that people are benefitting from this.
I keep putting it off, im making my 4 trial caps sometime this week
Well I have done some math (my math skills are not stellar) but for a small batch 4 caps: .5g of bud, 3.548 ML of coconut oil and follow the same procedure as the original. The (00) capsules should hold .91 ML per capsule.

I have been reading a lot of coconut cap recipes so those numbers may not be from this thread...just realized that.

how long does it take to make a batch of 4 vs 12?
cooking wise should be the same right? its just the amount thats different.

did you decarb the buds? (microwave/oven) before the cooking or just straight to cooking?

I keep putting it off, im making my 4 trial caps sometime this week

looking forward to your results moons -- please keep us posted. im trying to give this a hand myself soon.

does capsule expire? (empty) -- os are they ok to stock up on? (cheaper to buy in bulk)

all this questions -- lol. sorry bro. :group:
Okay, I have started. Herbal I didnt decarb, I just let dry folded up in paper. I use .5g of bud just ground for like 5 minutes in my diamond grind grinder (2piece), then 3ml of coconut oil. I put my oil in those little fance jars from jam you get at a "fancy" hotel or something in a crock pot with water just enough to come 1/2 way up on the jar. I let the oil get hot then put the bud in. The jar is sealed. Im using emptied out gel cap from my BCAA's. My only question as of now is my crock pot has only "on" or "off" and only reaches 160ish degrees F. Is this hot enough?
Its been coocking for close to 4.5hrs it is still a green color...I all is going good
Update, I made them, filling the caps was a little tedious, but no too bad. I made my own cap holder and scraper. Scraper was just made out of a coat hanger flattened out. The cap holder was out of just a peice of wood with holes drilled almost all the way through with counter skunk top of the holes. (I f'd up the placement of my holes, i was in a hurry)

The effects:
1 capsule on an empty stomach, while shoveling snow (i know physical exertion NOT ideal). I felt nothing while i was working, but when i came in and sat down on the stairs to unlace my boots, I realized realativly high. I took it at 6:30 and when i came in it was about 9 and all was good. Then at about 9:25 I ate it was not bad. At this point what I felt was compared to coming down from a good smoke, then I wen to sleep..


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