Grow Mediums [Canna] Coco Growing Tips

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After many trials and tribulations I will never use anything but coco and Mega Crop ever again. :smoking:
I use nothing but (left out overnight) tap water at the "tender stages". Just tap water to germ my seeds in a paper towel. Then I move them to root riots moistened with just tap water and a touch of Mykos, and I mist them with just tap water until roots are peeking out of the riots. I then plant them into a coco cups that have been pre-charged with tap water, rhizotonic, and calcium. (still no feed yet). When I lift the cup and it is starting to dry out I then start feed...I dunk water the cups in just tap water and Mega Crop. When they outgrow cups I replant them into their big girl coco pots and they get just tap water Mega Crop till the end of the grow. I dont use anything else, nothing. I am rather a rebel. I like to keep it simple, and I also dont Ph. I have pretty good success so far, and I just stick with what works for me. :biggrin:
Wow, it’s such a mixed bag... so many ways of essentially doing the same thing! Ha, easy to get frazzled, reading so much and most likely over thinking it.
Thanks for the thoughts fellas
Wow, it’s such a mixed bag... so many ways of essentially doing the same thing! Ha, easy to get frazzled, reading so much and most likely over thinking it.
Thanks for the thoughts fellas
Hi!! I was SO frazzled the first few years and changed the way I did things 100 times, trying new methods and comparing my plants growth to other peoples. I over-thunk (?) everything and felt so frustrated, LOL. And to be honest, I still itch to change my method when I see someone else getting a great harvest, but I have found a "groove" for me, and I am going to stick with it. (or to be honest I will drive myself crazy or go broke!!) Some just drop a seed in a pot and that is it. Looks so easy...I tried that, doesnt work for me....etc. I have many different steps because "I need" to see what is happening at each stage before I move to the next one. But thats me. You will find your way too. Just start a method that seems good to you, and just go step by step. dont worry about the "WHOLE GROW" right now. See how it goes, and you will find yourself changing things here and there, and then eventually find a method that works for YOU. And you are in the MOST WONDERFUL place for help, advice, encouragement, and good people. I never would have come this far without AFN
:woohoo: :)
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Hi!! I was SO frazzled the first few years and changed the way I did things 100 times! and to be honest, I still itch to change my method when I see someone else getting a great harvest, but I have found a "groove" for me, and I am going to stick with it. (or to be honest I will drive myself crazy or go broke!!) Some just drop a seed in a pot and that is it. Looks so easy...I tried that, doesnt work for me....etc. You will find yours too. Just start a method that seems good to you, and just go step by step. dont worry about the "WHOLE GROW" right now. See how it goes, and you will find yourself changing things here and there, and then eventually find a method that works for YOU. :)

great advice of course! Wearing my old over thinking hat, KIS, KIS haha. Driving my wife mad with the research!
Find myself always diving head first and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible. Do the same in astronomy, bonsai, art, it’s all the same, hold very high expectations of myself.... but I do weirdly enjoy it, the figuring it out and over complicating :doh:
Thanks man
great advice of course! Wearing my old over thinking hat, KIS, KIS haha. Driving my wife mad with the research!
Find myself always diving head first and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible. Do the same in astronomy, bonsai, art, it’s all the same, hold very high expectations of myself.... but I do weirdly enjoy it, the figuring it out and over complicating :doh:
Thanks man
I am like that with everything in my life too...I overthink everything because I hate just diving into something "blind". Relax, you will do fine. But growing is addictive, and so exciting. There are always new methods, new lights, new nutes, new everything. I have an attic FULL of different pots, unused nutrients, lights, etc. I use none of them now, LOL. You will find the groove, one step at a time. Just know you are not alone! My daughter used to say to me "for gods sake mom, relax...its just a weed! Back in the 70's they dropped a seed in the ground or in a pot and watered it with animal poop...and that was it. They got smoke from it!" ahhhh, kids.
I am like that with everything in my life too...I overthink everything because I hate just diving into something "blind". Relax, you will do fine. But growing is addictive, and so exciting. There are always new methods, new lights, new nutes, new everything. I have an attic FULL of different pots, unused nutrients, lights, etc. I use none of them now, LOL. You will find the groove, one step at a time. Just know you are not alone! My daughter used to say to me "for gods sake mom, relax...its just a weed! Back in the 70's they dropped a seed in the ground or in a pot and watered it with animal poop...and that was it. They got smoke from it!" ahhhh, kids.
Ahaha, so true, poo and it grew!
I’m not too bad with buying new things :eek1: now with my own little one it’s reigned in a bit, telescope was my last allowed purchase, not going to get another anytime soon!
happy with the gear though, just changed up from soil to coco and bought new nutes (it has been two years so i think that’s allowed!) struggled with ph growing organic and deficiencies, hoping to nail this one as I won’t get another chance to grow for a while:frowny1:
great advice of course! Wearing my old over thinking hat, KIS, KIS haha. Driving my wife mad with the research!
Find myself always diving head first and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible. Do the same in astronomy, bonsai, art, it’s all the same, hold very high expectations of myself.... but I do weirdly enjoy it, the figuring it out and over complicating :doh:
Thanks man
you can never research to much i use canna coco mixed with clay pebbles and i know mixing nutes bothers some folks but i like to have control and when i started growing autos i grew using the lucas formula with flora nova bloom and a bit of calmag but since them days i grew with remo nutes for a couple of years but fancied a change so I'm using emerald harvest now as i got the full boxes really cheap also with them 2 i can grow some crazy big plants or even 43gram solo cups well that's my record
you can never research to much i use canna coco mixed with clay pebbles and i know mixing nutes bothers some folks but i like to have control and when i started growing autos i grew using the lucas formula with flora nova bloom and a bit of calmag but since them days i grew with remo nutes for a couple of years but fancied a change so I'm using emerald harvest now as i got the full boxes really cheap also with them 2 i can grow some crazy big plants or even 43gram solo cups well that's my record
Trouble is remembering! Hard to get everything to stick so that I can make better informed decisions... maybe it will all stick around in the back there and make a knowledgeable appearance when required! Whatever the case, I’m sure it won’t hurt! To best understand a thing is to be able to explain it simply. Something may seem simple but underneath there’s a whole lotta wisdom!

Trouble is remembering! Hard to get everything to stick so that I can make better informed decisions... maybe it will all stick around in the back there and make a knowledgeable appearance when required! Whatever the case, I’m sure it won’t hurt! To best understand a thing is to be able to explain it simply. Something may seem simple but underneath there’s a whole lotta wisdom!
I have NO memory. I keep track of each grow step by step by journaling it here on AFN. Every step, no matter how small. Then I can come back later and refresh my memory of what I did. I have found over the years I go back A LOT to peek at my old journals and see what worked and what didnt. That is how I dialed down my current method. You will do great! :smoking:
I have NO memory. I keep track of each grow step by step by journaling it here on AFN. Every step, no matter how small. Then I can come back later and refresh my memory of what I did. I have found over the years I go back A LOT to peek at my old journals and see what worked and what didnt. That is how I dialed down my current method. You will do great! :smoking:
That's why I journal all my plants it's great to have something to look back on
That's why I journal all my plants it's great to have something to look back on
If AFN ever goes down (GOD FORBID!) I am screwed! LOL....I should probably save them on my computer somehow....I would be lost.
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