Calling all General Organics GO Box Users

Do you PH the after mixing your GO Box nutes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 41.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 58.7%

  • Total voters
I got the GO box for my second grow. I'm using a mix of FF Happy Frog and Ocean Forest with a little seedling mix to help lighten it up as well as about 30% perlite in 3 gal. air pots. I've also added Endo Mycorrhizae and Azomite to the soil. The girls are at one week today and looking pretty good. I still have not fed or watered them. Currently they sitting under a 23W 6500K CFL, one for each plant.

When do I want to start GO nutes? Should I wait till 2 weeks, 3 nodes or can I do it now? ......Light dosage of course. Assuming I can start now.

Once I harvest a couple plants, these girls will go into the tent with 2 MarsHydro 96x3 LED's. Do you feel the GO Cal/mag+ will be sufficient? I ask as with my first grow, currently going, I am experiencing LOTS of cal/mag deficiency.

Unfortunately I had to throw out my Marine bottle as it had expanded, pushing the bottom out and leaking terribly. Stunk like hell. At least it is listed as optional.
I got the GO box for my second grow. I'm using a mix of FF Happy Frog and Ocean Forest with a little seedling mix to help lighten it up as well as about 30% perlite in 3 gal. air pots. I've also added Endo Mycorrhizae and Azomite to the soil. The girls are at one week today and looking pretty good. I still have not fed or watered them. Currently they sitting under a 23W 6500K CFL, one for each plant.

When do I want to start GO nutes? Should I wait till 2 weeks, 3 nodes or can I do it now? ......Light dosage of course. Assuming I can start now.

Once I harvest a couple plants, these girls will go into the tent with 2 MarsHydro 96x3 LED's. Do you feel the GO Cal/mag+ will be sufficient? I ask as with my first grow, currently going, I am experiencing LOTS of cal/mag deficiency.

Unfortunately I had to throw out my Marine bottle as it had expanded, pushing the bottom out and leaking terribly. Stunk like hell. At least it is listed as optional.

Hey Papa Munch.

Sounds like you have a nice Soil Mix and Light which is Great.

One week with out water is your soil to Moist I would give them a light Mist if soils dry or a little bit of plain water or 1ml or BioRoot per half gal.

I start half strength at 3rd Node. Il do half strength for first 2 waterings. After that I go full Strength.

Their cal/mag+ is great stuff I use it but I buy the gallons so always have extra on hand lol. Wouldn't help to grab some more or Epsom salts can also help with cal mag.

Sorry about the BioMarine it stinks but I truly believe it helps I use it A lot.
Thanks Weedman!

As far as the not watering.....I just made sure that the soil was moist when I planted them and left them alone based on some other threads I've read. They are looking great actually. I overwatered my seedlings on my first grow and am wanting to do better this time around. I will probably give them some tonight when I get home as it has been a week. I think I'll do the Bio root suggestion!

I'll wait till third node as you mention as that makes sense for the rest of the nutes.

I've already thought about getting more Cal/mag as I am sure I'll go through it!
Well I just joined the GO BOX club. I was ordering up my advanced nutrients and looked at the price and as usual I got a bit upset with the price. The go box was calling my name so I bought her. I will follow Ronin's and weedman's schedule for pointers. I will be using pro mix HP 3 gallon airpots and two FRUIT PUNCH AUTOS from heavy weight seeds they liked my fast and vast so much they sent me a christmas card with 10 beans. Any go box users that can be of help please chime in thank you
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My GO BOX is here. I am a official G.O. dude now first time going full organic and I Am excited IMG_2847.JPG I will be following ronin schedule any pointer or tips are hugely welcomed.
My GO BOX is here. I am a official G.O. dude now first time going full organic and I Am excitedView attachment 522692 I will be following ronin schedule any pointer or tips are hugely welcomed.
General Organics is the only nutrients I've used. I tend to start out light around 2.5 to the 3 week mark. Myself, by day 32 I'm usually feeding more to the heavy schedule. You'll get a good feel for them. I've never burned any plants. I have had some tip burn a few times but the plants were fine and bountiful. I really like the GO products.
I'm exceedingly happy with the GO Box I bought last year and still haven't used it up yet lol. Then again I don't have a big operation, just a few plants usually. I do supplement it with other goodies, for example I found the Cal Mag to be insufficient for my needs even at %125 strength, so I use Humboldt Equilibrium which is also organic and works well. Also I add GO Floraliscious Plus (spelling?) and seems to make a small difference. Plus all the usual suspects, myco, molasses, ect ect.

So I'm not saying it's the end all thing for nutrition, but it's VERY handy to have it in one package that pretty much covers the basic bases. :) I will always strongly recommend it, and will be buying another box soon probably.

Hey @Anthropolis have you ever used Humboldt equilibrium as foliar feed? Do you actually start using the equilibrium in veg. or do you only use it when the flowering starts? I’m going to order this equilibrium and was wandering whether its NPK value of 1,1,2 is appropriate for veg…seems to be more suitable to start using it in late veg. stage and all the way through flower.
I did try it in a foliar, but it clogged up two sprayers lol. It's a little too chunky, I think because it's got a lot of rock phosphate. But I use it in feeding from a couple weeks old all the way to just before harvest. I never thought much about the NPK of it, autos seem to do well with it anyway.

The General Organics CaMg+ does great in foliars though! It's a little weaker than Equilibrium but sprays just fine.
I did try it in a foliar, but it clogged up two sprayers lol. It's a little too chunky, I think because it's got a lot of rock phosphate. But I use it in feeding from a couple weeks old all the way to just before harvest. I never thought much about the NPK of it, autos seem to do well with it anyway.

The General Organics CaMg+ does great in foliars though! It's a little weaker than Equilibrium but sprays just fine.

Thanks for the info mate...I ordered it and I am curious if it will solve the future calcium deficiency that I get every time I switch my lights into bloom mode.