Indoor Calling All Experts!!! Need advice for Snow Ryder.

If you're able to consistently bring in fresh air, adding in CO2 isn't going to produce any better results.
But if fresh air isn't always possible, then CO2 can assist.
The yeast jug works, ex-hale bags work, propane generators work, and of course a tank of CO2 works well too

Well, they are in the closet in a room they have all to themselves... I keep them in the closet in case anyone stops by that I don't want to know I'm growing. Like for instance my girlfriend's niece likes to snoop around when she's here lol like any 10 year old lol so it helps to have the option to close them in. But 99% of the time the door is open to the closet and they have a fan blowin' on them and our central air is at 72 and it stays way cool in here so I think they are good without the extra CO2. They seem to be thriving pretty good so far. Just starting their third node. One is growin' a bit faster than the others but I'm not concerned about it. Thanks for the reply TBM!
Hey guys! Just gave the "girls" their first nute feed! Very anxious to see how they take to it. It called for 5ml (or 1 teaspoon) per gallon. So, as C.E. and some of you guys previously suggested I gave them half a teaspoon in the gallon that I used. They only took half a gallon so next week I'm gonna use half of a half teaspoon and a half gallon. Does that sound right? Also, was hoping to get any of you guys' input on the Humboldt Nutrients grow schedule... The link is above. I don't understand it. Anyway I'm guessing I just use the grow natural until week 4 or 5? Then introduce the bloom natural around week 4 or 5? Then do I remove the grow natural completely or use to the end? Any input would be very much appreciated! Thanks everyone! I'll get some updated pics on here tomorrow or the next day.
Hey all! Got some updated pics for you guys to check out. They look pretty good I think. I don't know that's why I keep posting updated pics. I have two that the bottom set of first true leaves that were a little yellow and started curling under. I fed them their first feeding on the 10th. Gave them water with molasses yesterday. They seem to be drying out fairly quick... 2 - 3 days (I don't know if it's quick or if it's natural for them). It's day 18 from the time we put them in soil. After doing some research in the cannabis infirmary I came to the conclusion that the yellowing on the lower leaves of two of them was from nute splash when I first watered them. I tried to be careful but I got a little bit on them. I came to this conclusion because only two of them have the symptoms. If I burned them with nutes I would assume they would all have them same symptoms. Anyway please let me know what you all think. Thanks as always in advance for any help!


Do you guys think the size is right for day 18/20? Or are they small?
Also, if any of you have the time to check out this link...

I don't understand Humboldt Nutrients feeding charts. They say it's an 8 weeks schedule however they have 4 weeks for grow then start at 1 week again for bloom... That would make it a 12 week schedule... I just don't understand it and it's very frustrating. I have the grow natural which I've been feeding them and them Bloom Natural, Honey ES, and DeuceDeuce. I don't know when EXACTLY I should introduce all the other nutes... I know the DeuceDeuce and HoneyES are during the last few weeks but I don't know when to intro the Bloom exactly and phase out the Grow. Or don't I? Do I keep the Grow in until the end? Do I cut it out when I intro the DeuceDeuce since then I will only need K? That is really what is frustrating me right now. I have to get my nute feeding schedule down exactly and I'm having issue figuring it out. Any advice would be much appreciated.
That chart is not applicable to autoflowers. Auto's don't have a "veg" phase, per se.

I have no experience with Humboldt ferts but I can mention a few standards...

No ferts until they show sex. Then, go on the bloom schedule. Most would advise not to start ferts on full strength... maybe 1/4 strength and increase incrementally each time you give ferts. Some give ferts every other watering... some every watering.

I always lean toward less. I can add ferts if I need to, to fix a problem. I can't undo a nute burn.

I hope this helps. I expect others will be by shortly to offer opinions. One thing... don't be too nervous. It's unlikely everything will go perfectly but that's not the big deal some would make it appear to be. You'll make mistakes... it comes with the territory. In the end, the worse that can happen is you learn something for next time. :peace:
That chart is not applicable to autoflowers. Auto's don't have a "veg" phase, per se.

I have no experience with Humboldt ferts but I can mention a few standards...

No ferts until they show sex. Then, go on the bloom schedule. Most would advise not to start ferts on full strength... maybe 1/4 strength and increase incrementally each time you give ferts. Some give ferts every other watering... some every watering.

I always lean toward less. I can add ferts if I need to, to fix a problem. I can't undo a nute burn.

I hope this helps. I expect others will be by shortly to offer opinions. One thing... don't be too nervous. It's unlikely everything will go perfectly but that's not the big deal some would make it appear to be. You'll make mistakes... it comes with the territory. In the end, the worse that can happen is you learn something for next time. :peace:

Hey JD Thanks for stoppin' by man! Yeah I didn't realize that I shouldn't fert til they show sex. Two of them are showing some mild to major nute burn on the first set of true leaves. I think they are slowing down in growth a bit too. The Third set of nodes doesn't seem to be coming out as fast as the first two. I think I got over anxious and fed too early. Luckily enough I didn't use full strength so I'm hoping I can just flush them and they will pick back up. I watered them with just plain water today. They aren't showing any sex yet so I'm just going to be smart and not feed them until they show sex. This helps me a lot man thank you very much. I'm looking at the HN feed schedule now and they say to use the grow, bloom and Honey ES. Then intro the DeuceDeuce (which is just 0-0-22) toward then last few weeks when you cut out N & P. Also, if ya don't mind... Can I use the molasses now? Or don't start that til they show sex? Thanks again man! I really appreciate your help!
I forgot to ask... Since autos don't veg like non-autos do and that chart isn't for autos then should I not use the grow natural then? Or mix it in and then phase it out?
After looking at pictures of other members autos I'm starting to wonder if ours are not where they are supposed to be size wise. What do you all think? I'm getting very concerned about them being too small for their age and I'm doing something wrong. They were taking off great then slowed down and I know that's the opposite of what they are supposed to do. Please let me know what you guys think.
first ? how high is ur light and about the nutes i would still use the veg nutes till they start to flower good then cut out the veg nutes and size wise i have a big devil#2 its 13-15days old today its growin in a large mcdonalds cup and is about the same size as your sr's and fingers crossed that the purple mazar pollen i harvested in april is still good cuz i dusted 2 bd's with it
and forgot to ask is this ur first grow?