I feel good, to Say the least. I simply flash dried, decarbed, ground it up and bombed it in a rizla. (Oldskool stylee) Lovely, relaxing high so far. Looking forward to her getting a proper cure. I think I might be off to bed shortly.
Not too much happening on the growth front but she’s definately getting a bit frostier. My loupe should be here tomorrow so I can see exactly where she’s at with regard to harvest. Anyway, just a frost shot here and there.......
It’s some strong shizz. Strangely enough, it’s only over the past week that I’ve noticed that light purple colour beginning to show. She’s been more of a black. I guess this is her haloweeeeeen outfit!
(Day 62) I’ve been waiting for my loupe & HD microscope for what seems like forever. It was due to be delivered yesterday but then I recieved word that it could be delivered anytime up till the 8th. That’s not good as I know this lady is just so close.
A good amount of the leaves are now starting to loose their colour and turn yellow which (as I understand it) is a sure sign that she’s drawing close to the end. She’s still been getting regular nutes with bloom & topmax.
She’s still throwing out pistils on some of the underdeveloped buds further down which makes me wonder if I should try and chop her in stages? Is this possible?
Another thing is certain, she had become a security risk. Very,very pungent aroma from her which was slipping past my carbon filter. To remedy this I fitted a brand new, larger filter (bigger surface area) and plonked the old filter on the outlet end. Job done! You could hide rotting corpses in the tent now and sit right next to it and not smell a thing. My extraction only just fits, in fact, it’s an inch or two too long but the door still zips up so we’re good.
I’m in two minds about what to do with regards to the chop. Do I wait for my loupe? Will it hurt the potency if I wait?
Suggestions welcome. Answers on a postcard........
she looks close to me matey but I’d want a loupe to confirm if it were me...but waiting until the 8th...hmm. there’s not a huge amount of new pistils, but without a good look at the sparkles, it’s anyones guess, really.
Without a loupe or scope, the only way is to nip off a little, give it a quick and nasty dry, then roll it up and smoke it (or whatever method of consumption is preferred) and see how it hits you. I recommend any popcorn buds that look ready for this, keeps bigger buds but be aware the bigger buds will likely be further on in development.
she looks close to me matey but I’d want a loupe to confirm if it were me...but waiting until the 8th...hmm. there’s not a huge amount of new pistils, but without a good look at the sparkles, it’s anyones guess, really.
Without a loupe or scope, the only way is to nip off a little, give it a quick and nasty dry, then roll it up and smoke it (or whatever method of consumption is preferred) and see how it hits you. I recommend any popcorn buds that look ready for this, keeps bigger buds but be aware the bigger buds will likely be further on in development.
Been there, done that, bloody wrecked after one tiny joint. Eating it was a different thing but still did the trick. Funnily enough, pain levels were less after eating it rather than smoking it.
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