New Grower Buying seeds in the US?

Mar 9, 2014
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Hey everyone,
I'm going to start my second grow ever soon. I just ordered 3 seeds (getting two free) from Seed Supreme. That is the website I ordered from last time, and had no issues. I am seeing a lot of bad reviews on it though. And since last time I ordered, they require phone verification before they accept payment with card. ( they will call and verify ). Which I found a bit odd. Anyone have any experience with this site? I'm just a bit nervous about getting seeds confiscated. Thanks!
Never heard of them,but if they are in the USA there shouldn't be a problem getting pulled because they don't have to go through customs.
Starting a grow with less than 5 seeds sounds insane.

Cause some dont germinate... males show up.

Some seedlings simply dont make it.

I would start with atleast 10.

I dont know the seedbank in subject to evaluate.

But im feeling jealous... :)
I want to get to see your grow journal!

Last week I sown 14 seeds. 1 germinated.
Probably cause I failed keeping the moister and the temperature to germinate them.

So its advisable that you germinate your beana using the paper towel method.

Good luck and keep us updated!
Starting a grow with less than 5 seeds sounds insane.

Cause some dont germinate... males show up.

Some seedlings simply dont make it.

I would start with atleast 10.

I dont know the seedbank in subject to evaluate.

But im feeling jealous... :)
I want to get to see your grow journal!

Last week I sown 14 seeds. 1 germinated.
Probably cause I failed keeping the moister and the temperature to germinate them.

So its advisable that you germinate your beana using the paper towel method.

Good luck and keep us updated!

What kind of seeds and where from? I purchased five THC bomb autos. Have never grown before in my life. I planted four seeds and got four plants very first try. No paper towel method, nothing but straight into my prepared medium. If you were unsuccessful with getting sprouts and would like some pointers just PM me. Id love to help get the germination issue on track for you if possible.... All my girls popped within less than 72hrs.... And I kno I have these beautiful girls in my "garden of weed'n"
What kind of seeds and where from? I purchased five THC bomb autos. Have never grown before in my life. I planted four seeds and got four plants very first try. No paper towel method, nothing but straight into my prepared medium. If you were unsuccessful with getting sprouts and would like some pointers just PM me. Id love to help get the germination issue on track for you if possible.... All my girls popped within less than 72hrs.... And I kno I have these beautiful girls in my "garden of weed'n"View attachment 495072 View attachment 495073
Maybe I wasn't clear enough... for any reason; Allow me to explain:

The seeds I been trying to grow are my F1 production.

They are a result of an Open Pollination between Diesel Ryders.

There's a slight chance that a male lowryder might have polinated too, but its probably not the case cause it was like far... but accordingly to books... winds and bees could technically have made it possible.
(I frankly doubt about it, if you asked me).

There was that one male DR who was shaken just on the top of the best female. So this open pollinaton has some influence in the probabilities. (He had great branching, Squat size).

But, I also like allowing them to mix their genes pool, in order to add some variability and enrich the whole thing with the "random factor"

By a matter of fact I am aroused about the heterozygous dominant genes due to the capacity of achieving both recessive traits and dominant "pure lineage", if the proper donators are picked.

So my germination failed due to immaturity of the seeds, bad storagr might influence... and
.. last but not least important: the sun wasnt stopping by "properly", cause my garden isnt well located, i guess.

So i had to re-organize the whole thing, to achieve higher exposure to the direct sun light.

But I may have dug too deep holes.

I remade the whole experiment germinating with paper towel method, using my laptop to generate the necessary heat and then BOOM! They started crackin' and throwin' all them taproots!

The only thing you gotta mind about the all mighty paper towel method is: if you add too much water... the seeds MOLD, instead of cracking.

So be careful not to soak them too wet.

With time and experience you'll learn the aproximate amount of humidity that shall be added.

Good luck, and plant them on their final pot, and certify that drainage is satisfatory. [emoji6]
something new to me never in my life have i heard of a male pollinating another male.

There's a slight chance that a male lowryder might have polinated too, but its probably not the case cause it was like far... but accordingly to books... winds and bees could technically have made it possible.only way possible imo is if you have a hermaphrodite which would have both male and female genes!!!
something new to me never in my life have i heard of a male pollinating another male.

There's a slight chance that a male lowryder might have polinated too, but its probably not the case cause it was like far... but accordingly to books... winds and bees could technically have made it possible.only way possible imo is if you have a hermaphrodite which would have both male and female genes!!!
Hehe... Im afraid I could have expressed myself wrong.

What I meant to tell is that there was an open pollination between Dieselryders and that maybe, a male Lowryder#1 might also have pollinized the females!

I havent spotted any intersexing plant in between my autos, so far.

But the reason why my seeds didnt work is the fact that they had different age and maturity when the mother plant were chopped.

So basically they were bad seeds.
Immature, probably.

Lets just blame no seedbank. (Yet)
What kind of seeds and where from? I purchased five THC bomb autos. Have never grown before in my life. I planted four seeds and got four plants very first try. No paper towel method, nothing but straight into my prepared medium. If you were unsuccessful with getting sprouts and would like some pointers just PM me. Id love to help get the germination issue on track for you if possible.... All my girls popped within less than 72hrs.... And I kno I have these beautiful girls in my "garden of weed'n"View attachment 495072 View attachment 495073
I wish my "shortstuff#1" had the same germination rate.

None sprouted.

I allowed an experient grower to help me, he did all the job and it seemed pretty correct, as his pupil I payed atention to every detail.

The earth mix was very organic and good... but we got no result.

After a while... "weed" started growing on the pots. Unfortunatelly the weed wasnt "the good one" if you know what I'm saying. [emoji20]

This friend was all skeptical about the paper towel method and induced me doing it naturally.
I decided to trust him, cause he sure had experience with growing cannabis. I've seen his crops... He had those HUGE SATIVAS at his place.
Ahahhah one of those sativa trees was growing way above the fence, but he didnt want to put his top cola to waste, so he harvested the whole thing earlier.

Aparently he knows a lot of the art, but he hasnt got the patience taken to perform LST...

I've taught him some tricks... but you know how things are:
Oldschool don't believe newschool that easy.

I am pretty sure that the paper towel method would have poped some seeds...

Nowadays I understand that this strain I had picked back then hasnt got the popularity enough to sell fast. So the seeds probably were stored for a while.

I wont even mention the seedbank where I purchased from cause it is too simple to put the blame on them and the truth is that we germinate our seeds at our own risk.

But I just find it risky to shop tight for seeds... I just cant imagine myself shopping for less than 2 strains, 8~10 seeds of each.

But I say so cos I don't buy Feminized seeds... only regular.

I understand that feminized seeds are sort of easier to grow... but I enjoy selecting a male and growing it.

Most people out there will be whinning about sinsemilla crops but when you got no weed to smoke, trust me, getting a bud... and even finding seeds on it is just like a bless!

I dont find regular seeds much more complicated... as males take a while to mature their polem-sacks.

This gap ia more than enough to select which one has the most prolific "budding".

Some males even glisten in resine... I even believe that it can be a good trait!

Once I've readed an e-book called "marijuana chemistry", the pdf file was sort of corrupted, missing some pages. But it was still good to read.

At some point of the book, there were several tables... filled with the "awkward" cannabinoids tests from cannabis from all over the world.

In these charts you could easily spot samples like males with only traces of THC, but consistent CBD.

Some had both... THC and CBD.

Mostly they were oposite to females. But I remember about one, in which the male had more cannabinoids than the female itself.

Ofcourse these tests were made from "wild" camnabis.

The content of cannabinoids on them was mostly low. Way too low, if compared to what "we grow".

But it was a good lecture for me, cause it proves that males may be more important than people think.

They may induce a richer offspring, perhaps even containing higher concentrations of cannabinoids than the past generations.

With all of that assimilated, I got another reason to want a real breed, and not a self-polinated female.

I understand why thwy do that, to protect their work... but I just hate intersexing plants.

I had a hermie once... that started being a fine female... smelly(stinky!) And with great budding, but this little sucker pollinized my whole crop and ruined my other girls. :-/
The bad thing is that the hermie had GREAT shape, smell, taste.
No other female was "as good".

I had tons of his seeds... probably even "feminized", from the other females he polinized. But I see no reason into growing them cause not being able to PLAN your garden ia a terrible thing.

I have nothing against hermies... as I said, I smoked this little bastard I had. But I avoid them at all cost, specially genetically speaking.

Starting a grow with less than 5 seeds sounds insane.

Cause some dont germinate... males show up.

Some seedlings simply dont make it.

I would start with atleast 10.

I dont know the seedbank in subject to evaluate.

But im feeling jealous... :)
I want to get to see your grow journal!

Last week I sown 14 seeds. 1 germinated.
Probably cause I failed keeping the moister and the temperature to germinate them.

So its advisable that you germinate your beana using the paper towel method.

Good luck and keep us updated!

I don't really have to worry about any being male, since I buy feminized seeds. Also, I only plan on growing one plant at a time, so I have 5 chances to get a good seed. Last time I ordered from this site, all three of the seeds I ordered made it, and I grew them one at a time :)

Feel free to check out my first grow journa, in that one, I germinated the first seed I took out of the bag using the paper towel method and it was successful. I'll be creating one for this grow as well!