New Grower Buying seeds in the US?

I would not worry about them phoning you. But I would be worried about the bad reviews maybe you were lucky the first time you ordered. There is some wicked seed banks across the pond Britain with great reviews And really stealth packaging and guarantees too.
I wish my "shortstuff#1" had the same germination rate.

None sprouted.

I allowed an experient grower to help me, he did all the job and it seemed pretty correct, as his pupil I payed atention to every detail.

The earth mix was very organic and good... but we got no result.

After a while... "weed" started growing on the pots. Unfortunatelly the weed wasnt "the good one" if you know what I'm saying.

This friend was all skeptical about the paper towel method and induced me doing it naturally.
I decided to trust him, cause he sure had experience with growing cannabis. I've seen his crops... He had those HUGE SATIVAS at his place.
Ahahhah one of those sativa trees was growing way above the fence, but he didnt want to put his top cola to waste, so he harvested the whole thing earlier.

Aparently he knows a lot of the art, but he hasnt got the patience taken to perform LST...

I've taught him some tricks... but you know how things are:
Oldschool don't believe newschool that easy.

I am pretty sure that the paper towel method would have poped some seeds...

Nowadays I understand that this strain I had picked back then hasnt got the popularity enough to sell fast. So the seeds probably were stored for a while.

I wont even mention the seedbank where I purchased from cause it is too simple to put the blame on them and the truth is that we germinate our seeds at our own risk.

But I just find it risky to shop tight for seeds... I just cant imagine myself shopping for less than 2 strains, 8~10 seeds of each.

But I say so cos I don't buy Feminized seeds... only regular.

I understand that feminized seeds are sort of easier to grow... but I enjoy selecting a male and growing it.

Most people out there will be whinning about sinsemilla crops but when you got no weed to smoke, trust me, getting a bud... and even finding seeds on it is just like a bless!

I dont find regular seeds much more complicated... as males take a while to mature their polem-sacks.

This gap ia more than enough to select which one has the most prolific "budding".

Some males even glisten in resine... I even believe that it can be a good trait!

Once I've readed an e-book called "marijuana chemistry", the pdf file was sort of corrupted, missing some pages. But it was still good to read.

At some point of the book, there were several tables... filled with the "awkward" cannabinoids tests from cannabis from all over the world.

In these charts you could easily spot samples like males with only traces of THC, but consistent CBD.

Some had both... THC and CBD.

Mostly they were oposite to females. But I remember about one, in which the male had more cannabinoids than the female itself.

Ofcourse these tests were made from "wild" camnabis.

The content of cannabinoids on them was mostly low. Way too low, if compared to what "we grow".

But it was a good lecture for me, cause it proves that males may be more important than people think.

They may induce a richer offspring, perhaps even containing higher concentrations of cannabinoids than the past generations.

With all of that assimilated, I got another reason to want a real breed, and not a self-polinated female.

I understand why thwy do that, to protect their work... but I just hate intersexing plants.

I had a hermie once... that started being a fine female... smelly(stinky!) And with great budding, but this little sucker pollinized my whole crop and ruined my other girls. :-/
The bad thing is that the hermie had GREAT shape, smell, taste.
No other female was "as good".

I had tons of his seeds... probably even "feminized", from the other females he polinized. But I see no reason into growing them cause not being able to PLAN your garden ia a terrible thing.

I have nothing against hermies... as I said, I smoked this little bastard I had. But I avoid them at all cost, specially genetically speaking.

Very interesting can you let me know is there more about males in that PDF you recovered very interesting
are there any vendors that sell any og kush autoflowering seeds ? i ve checked all the vendors here and dont find much.
Very interesting can you let me know is there more about males in that PDF you recovered very interesting

It is called:

"Marijuana Chemistry

Genetics, Processing & Potency

by Michael Starks"

Goodluck finding it!

If you dont manage to find... U can send my crappy ass pdf file.

But I wish I had it "good" cause my file is terribly corrupted.

Theres a lot of content missing.

My file name is "marijuana_chemistry.pdf" if you download something named differently there shall be hope already that its not as badly corrupted (we can always hope! Hehe)


This book is massive... tons of tables... but make a huge mug or coffee and challenge it and you shall survive.[emoji477]

I have found pretty exaustive... but rewarding.
Check out the vault, herbies auto, the attitude seed bank,
Hey everyone,
I'm going to start my second grow ever soon. I just ordered 3 seeds (getting two free) from Seed Supreme. That is the website I ordered from last time, and had no issues. I am seeing a lot of bad reviews on it though. And since last time I ordered, they require phone verification before they accept payment with card. ( they will call and verify ). Which I found a bit odd. Anyone have any experience with this site? I'm just a bit nervous about getting seeds confiscated. Thanks!


You will run the risk of packages getting confiscated regardless of where they are coming from assuming the vendor is shipping via some stealth method. Spot checks happen. Now with that said I too found it troublesome when ordering seeds from within the US. The whole credit card issue etc. I have done the whole mail cash to vendors in the UK and other places but then it's a fairly long wait for the payment to get there. Not knowing if it did make it to the vendor etc. Very frustrating till I found Mephisto Genetics. They are a vendor here on AFN. They are feminized only seeds(not sure why anyone would buy anything else otherwise). They send an awesome amount of freebies, good usable freebies(more freebies of the same strain you are buying plus others) not trash freebies like other vendors. Top notch genetics, I just finished one of their Deep Blue C's and she rocks my world, my friends that tried her said it was some of the best smoke they have had in a long time! Best of all they offer several payment options one of which was very convenient for me as I am sure other find it as well. Take the time for visit their vendor section here on AFN. The owner Mitch is very responsive to messages and will further detail payment options for you.

Best of all AFN members have a discount code for 10% off !!!!!
are there any vendors that sell any og kush autoflowering seeds ? i ve checked all the vendors here and dont find much.

Mephisto has several 'kush' varieties you might want to look into. Especially I like their Triangle Kush auto and also Sour Orange Diesel Kush. Ripleys OG is an Alien OG turned auto and is nice also. Also if you order direct you will get a great deal + FREEBIES that change regularly.
Another 2 good banks are THE ATTITUDE in the UK and GREEN HOUSE SEEDS in Holland