Seed Bank Buying Flash/Stitch seeds from seed banks.

The biggest question, why wont so many respectable seed banks yank his seeds if they are fake?
Its extremely damaging to his rep and the seed banks rep to carry bunk/fake seeds.
No one would want that.

Is everyone forgetting there are multiple people on here who are currently growing or just finished growing gear that is directly from Stitch. I personally grew the Formula 1 and was exactly as described if not better yields 150g+ started a stager chop at day 65 finished at 75. Seems like people are trying to make something out of a bad situation. After I finish this grow I'll probably never return to this place.

Thanks for ruining a good thing to all involved with this shit storm and name slaying.

P.S. if he was actually attempting to rip people off wouldn't he simply supply the banks with fake gear and keep to himself? I mean who says the guy who is in constant contact with customers and active on these forums is trying to rip people off... I'll grows stitchs gear till I can't make my way through a garden anymore. Rant over Mclovin Out..time to medicate this got my blood pressure up

Leaving a forum as good as this one would be a mistake. Yes this has been a devise issue here but, it has been as issue in need of clarification. With the number of people who got bad stuff from seedbanks, anyone would begin to question the breeder. Hopefully, now that this has been aired and it has come to light that another small breeder has been defamed also, people will begin to see what has happened. But, people here had/have a right to be upset, and or cautious, wouldn't you be if you'd gotten crap seeds?

Also, you can never make everyone happy no matter what you do. I sell on ebay a bit. I've goot over 200 poaitive feedbacks. I go out of my way to make my buyers happy. But, I got one that fortunately i talked into giving me "only" a neutral rating. He ordered a used solid state harddrive from me. I clearly stated it was used but worked perfectly, and the price was low for even a used drive. BUT... he emailed me complaining about how many hours the drive had on it!!! Who the hell even checks that?? I've been dealing with computers since 1983 and NEVER had that question posed! I responed, do as you will, but your not getting a refund when you wait thirty days to complain and obviously you didn't read the part of my listing that said " USED". People can always find something to whine/complain about, justified or not. Look at the nonsense going on about Attitude right now. You can't make everyone happy, here or anywhere. But to give up what is probably the best MJ forum on the internet, well that would be a shame, as you'll find the people on other mj forums tend to be downright NASTY! I know, I was on three others and quit because of how they treat people, especially newbies.
Nice one pop! He's right mclovin leaving because we are trying to find the thruth would be a mistake.
Muddy can you say why is name was changed for several days?
I have several more questions I would like to ask,
I'm not sure if would be appropriate to ask them. I can think of several reasons why.
Never wanted to start a flame war.

The biggest question, why wont so many respectable seed banks yank his seeds if they are fake?
Its extremely damaging to his rep and the seed banks rep to carry bunk/fake seeds.
No one would want that.

The name change was done at his request. He thought he had a security issue but it apparently turned out to be a problem with HayHal. He over reacted a bit.

Stitch's reproduction techniques have always been questionable. This isn't the first time he's had batches of seeds that produced hermies or did not auto. Some of you may remember a lot of his strains being out of stock for many months about 3 years ago. Same issues, hermies and non autos, again stemming from poor reproduction. Unfortunately it seems he didn't learn from his mistakes and is now paying the price. I can't say for certain but I think that as he moves to direct sales I think you will see his seeds disappearing from other seed banks as they use up their stock.

I'm not going to bad mouth Stitch or allow this to turn into a Stitch bashing thread. I've know the man for over 5 years and did my best to get him to fit in here at AFN. He's never been easy to communicate with and often misinterprets things. We went above and beyond with him and I personally feel we've done everything we could to try and make him a productive member.
He ships from the EU, afaik.

Thanx Muddy for clarifying this story, I still have a good feeling about his "superauto" strains so I'm giving them another try this year.
However, reading about all the problems from the past, doubts come to mind, but it's a natural reaction to feel like that.

My seeds seem to be on their way, directly from Stitch. I prefer to buy directly from breeders and Stitch seems trustworthy, imo.

Its always best to buy directly from the farmer, either if its food or seeds.... ;)
He ships from the EU, afaik.

Thanx Muddy for clarifying this story, I still have a good feeling about his "superauto" strains so I'm giving them another try this year.
However, reading about all the problems from the past, doubts come to mind, but it's a natural reaction to feel like that.

My seeds seem to be on their way, directly from Stitch. I prefer to buy directly from breeders and Stitch seems trustworthy, imo.


I'm sure I'll still be growing some of Stitch's gear. He's a great breeder and has created some of my favorite strains.
HBD tops my list :drool::tiphat:
