Seed Bank Buying Flash/Stitch seeds from seed banks.

whats the new seedbrand name? peeps need to know to steer clear

Well what to say bout a dude even changing the Name of his Seedbrand to look fresh again. Stay Loyal to the game and nah change no names.... !!!!

So I'm confused. So I'm simple like that. But! Kos, dude, you've been on the fence with Stitch till this post, then -- bam! The guy is poison!? What happened man?
I'm a fiery guy; vicious temper (got me into all kinds of trouble) so I try to give everyone the benefit before I cut loose on ' for Stitch, can't say yet. Bought direct, ain't exactly happy; wrestling with one of his nondescript autos right now, supposed to be blueberry -- ain't like no blueberry I've ever heard of though. Still, can't make my mind up, so I'll stay on the fence -- though I'm feelin' y'all that's fuming over this crapper caper!

So, question, (and I might regret this 'cause it's how I ended up buying from Stitch, posting on a forum like this one): Kos, Evol, how does a guy in desperate need of sound genetics, and a record of getting his beans snatched by some muppet in the postal service every time he orders off Attitude and sometimes Herbies, go about ordering from you guys. You got websites or is there some way through afn to do it? Thanks for ya help...

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As far as i know Lowlife Seeds but correct me if i got wrong info on that.
"Flash Seeds"

These are the brand names listed on the website that we tried to get up and running for USA sales when I thought there were cool things happening with all this. I don't want to list the website here, not sure it's appropriate. It's old, never was in use to my knowledge, and has my gear listed on the site though it is definitely not available there.
I lolled when I saw ppl are still posting on this thread btw. Big lol.

Info on Stitch's previous involvement with Joint Doc, Short Stuff can be found.

just trying to provide whatever info I can to people interested so this thread can be put to rest.

and definitely do not grow any of the recent fems if you don't have a place to put the ones that don't auto. Bc as far as I can tell some seeds from all strains don't auto.

the debate remains open, some ppl say (guess who) that the USA distributor switched seeds. Others (everyone else) say stitch is responsible for the genetic problems for reasons listed previously in this thread. I don't see why it matters, personally, because clearly as someone stated before, and I am confirming, it's a crap shoot. I can't speak on the supers but would assume the same across the board.

i dunno, I had several grows messed up because of this, shared genetics in development with people I was introduced to as business partners and was naive enough to trust it all based on Stitch's resume.

I put out hundreds of my own autos to customers even though I had zero involvement in anything that went wrong, just because I want people to grow and have their meds. Hence, Johnny AwesomeSeeds. I would be mad at someone, if I could pick who, and wasn't too busy just feeling bad that so many people value the dollar over the plant.

there may be patches of autos growing wild north of Jenner for those of you in norcal btw... Also on west parts of the Russian river... You're welcome :-)
I lolled when I saw ppl are still posting on this thread btw. Big lol.

Info on Stitch's previous involvement with Joint Doc, Short Stuff can be found.

just trying to provide whatever info I can to people interested so this thread can be put to rest.

Give the web site. And where is the info? He talked about new stuff from the joint doc, unless he blew smoke up our ass.