Seed Bank Buying Flash/Stitch seeds from seed banks.

Give the web site. And where is the info? He talked about new stuff from the joint doc, unless he blew smoke up our ass.

Id rather distance myself from all this as much as possible but I believe that reputations are built on honesty and the educated judgement of others, not by withholding truth. So here you go. To my knowledge kaos angel is not at all involved though listed, and my PEZ are definitely not available through the website. Order nothing from here:

this is all in the name of transparency. We need to look out for each other and be honest, dammit. I'm tired of seeing this plant mistreated as it's been. Fem seeds so ppl can't breed with them... Branding... Bums me out. I was so excited to be a part of this in the beginning. I lost access to a 6000w hps room I was working in because of his whole thing.

id rather not go down as that half-noob breeder who blew the whistle but this is all so stupid and I'd rather that than keep truths from this forum. We gotta look out for each other and spread information, not withhold information and spread lies. Hopefully the people that matter respect me for my openness. And glad i never gave my real name out in all that... Sigh...
Mods sorry if I wasn't supposed to post the link, I dunno

Joint Doc and Short Stuff hired him to do work long ago is all I am aware of, and that's just from scouring the web for info on this guy after getting caught up in all this. My understanding is he worked on Lowryder #1 as well as many short stuff strains like HBD and RRF but I don't believe that is his company.
respect here Johnny! others without hashing old things IVE put to rest, were VERY much involved and I am sure knew of the issues but were not brought out until long after, so IMHO not to be trusted as well… From all the new breeders here Evol truly is the only one that has been at this for years, and has DOCUMENTATION of the lengthy process he has went through… Things seem legit there… OES, also has had shown SEVERAL successful grows along with Mephisto, LBH, Kaos we are still waiting…. Many behind the scenes things behind all this went down, many people were hurt, burned and overall let down… IMHO there are SEVERAL that responsible that have not been accountable and all has not been transparent… I am only here to show my love of the plant that provide me relief from my MS, so many great reputable breeders out there, really was no need to re hash that put to rest thread…. My conspiracy of this matter run deep and have other knowledge, but no need to disquess any of this, its against the entire AFn vibe and what makes AFN the place that it is.. lets just close this thread..IMHO, if people by now can't figure things out on their own than shame on them for being an uneducated consumer, the info is out there, lets leave it be.. Let's not throw names and blame around, lets focus on all the positive that is going on instead…. WHy not as a board just all stop posting any grows or logs of these genetics and move on… If my post has offended anyone or is out of line :shrug: Real Talk.
:Sharing One:
Wow lets close this thread? Slow down cowboy.

I have no idea who Johny is. He says so much without saying so much. I tired to be soft with this thread to let things be exposed.
Good reason to leave this one open.
Let me be Johnny ill say a lot without saying much. Having the privilege of speaking with a very very very well know breeder face to face
and him asking me what I think about stitch, the only answer I gave, "go look at the forums."

AFN stood behind Stitch for the longest time. have come through to Reported Posts coz members are worried this thread is getting too Heated...a Lot of info is being Exposed on Open forum and some of it is not correct.

I'll leave it for Muddy to come in a give you correct info..but please keep it down a bit..we hate to have to censor threads it takes lots of Good info down.

Cheers...:tiphat: have come through to Reported Posts coz members are worried this thread is getting too Heated...a Lot of info is being Exposed on Open forum and some of it is not correct.

I'll leave it for Muddy to come in a give you correct info..but please keep it down a bit..we hate to have to censor threads it takes lots of Good info down.


The only post in here making sense to me:)

Cheers Mossy:peace:
Okay, here's the deal. At one point several years ago Stitch was the most prolific auto breeder around. Jim from Dope-Seeds contracted him to create strains for his Short Stuff line. Those included Mi5, Onxy, RRF, and others. After this latest round of bad reproduction Jim cut ties with Stitch. He now has another breeder reproducing those strains for him. Jim is the distributor of Short Stuff to other seed banks. I know he's tried to recall all the bad seeds but it's still possible that some seed banks may have old stock. So to insure getting good seeds, buy direct from Dope-Seeds if you're outside the US.

Yes, Flash, AutoFem and SuperAuto are all owned and run by Stitch. He sells a lot of seeds and doesn't have the capacity to reproduce them all himself, so he contracts that out. He also provides CS to them to produce fem seeds. Unfortunately he either didn't pick his reproducers very well or didn't provide proper instruction on how to use the CS. The result has been fem seeds that produce males, hermie or don't auto flower. Not the first time this has happened. About 3 years ago he had several strains that were doing the same thing and were out of stock for many months while new ones were reproduced. So, IMO, he's brought this all on himself with his bad business practices. There was some talk at one point that he was going to partner with the Joint Dr. but far as I know, that never went anywhere. Seems that he's burned all his bridges in the seed business, which is why I believe he decided to go it alone with his Direct sales.

Stitch's presence here on AFN was always problematic. At one point, because of his status in the business, we felt it was important to have him here as a member. Unfortunately he caused more problems than what it was worth and in the end, he was reduced to read only status. In the process he got personal and called me some nasty names. Water off a ducks back as far as the personal insults but not the kind things we want in our vendors.

My advice regarding any of the strains he's created is to be cautious. Buy Short Stuff from D-S if you can, if not, only use reputable seed banks. I would even suggest you email them before hand, state that you know there have been problems, and ask if they have new stock. Personally, I wouldn't buy from him directly. No guarantee that you will be getting good stock and given his poor customer service, no guarantee that you will get a good replacement.
Personally, I wouldn't buy from him directly. No guarantee that you will be getting good stock and given his poor customer service, no guarantee that you will get a good replacement.

​Amen to that! Ask me how I know....