Dinafem Burr_Nit's - Haze CBD+ RoadRunner#2

She's here!!!! :yay:poking her little head out.

I added my (4) 6500k CFLs but it made my temp and humidity go outta wack so I'm trying venting right now and raised lights a bit... Temp went to 84degrees and humidity dropped to 30%. Blahhhh.
So I also added a dish of water on on the tent floor. Will keep ya updated.. might have to just ditch CFLs until I add some 2700k at flower. And come up with plan. Will see what happens.

If you have a little plastic cup or something to place over your seedling as a humidity Dome that will help out starting off. I wouldn't put it straight down on top of the soil but I might set it up about of pencils height above the soil. Has to let light through of course.
If you have a little plastic cup or something to place over your seedling as a humidity Dome that will help out starting off. I wouldn't put it straight down on top of the soil but I might set it up about of pencils height above the soil. Has to let light through of course.

I got the humidity back up to 63% .. so we should be good there..
And I have a confession...I may have been high and may have started to germ another seed last night!! Couldn't help it! lol! I thought the hell with it I'm going to grow another one. I got the room, might as well! I went with another Dinafem...
Road Runner [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] . So I don't know if I will start a separate journal or just attach to this one! But update on the Road Runner coming soon!!!! :smoking:
Firstly thank you for documenting your grow on AFN and secondly great choice of strain :thumbsup:

We saw some great grows with our haze auto cbd on AFN in 2016 so I'll be along for the ride and so far she's looking great :slap:

Nice to hear that another Dinafem strain has been started and will soon be joining the party. I've not seen our roadrunner [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] grown out for a couple of years so I'll definitely be watching with interest.

Both your temps and rh are bang on with only a very little variance between the minimum and maximum range :thumbsup: and no signs of any deficiencies on the plant, she looks super healthy.

Again thank you for starting this diary and thank you for the picture update mate much appreciated!

Until the next update :pass:

All the best
