Photography Bum Wine

:pass: thank you brudda, I can't wait to try her out- :coffee:......A very nice bit of work on her breeding too mate, well done! :bravo: ...I forget what F-gen they are, and if you'e going to work her even deeper?
.... So, I flipped the trim in it's drying paper plate today (the Chinet ones work great for smaller amounts; pulls moisture out gently)... Woooow,:drool: a plume of rich fruity aroma came up, a little BBG smell too? The funky notes that were prominent when "live" are toning down, I think they were masking the more sweet/fruity/candy-ish notes,....:thumbsup:.... meantime, I swear she's growing more trich's as she dries! Serious sparkly goodness, which I hope the camera can catch- :eyebrows:... a few more days and she'll be ready for a porn shoot!
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is finishing up faster than expected, similar bud structure and characteristics,... aroma is holding as described before, still exotic incense/floral, some fruitiness= wonderful! :biggrin:
... @Ronin ...interesting observations, which I'll also note on the next update at my thread...
-- #2's aroma has some definite overlap with the Fugue State next to her, on the spicy/aromatic woods side... have you run a FS yet? As you're a Sati'-fanman, I'd say she's worthy of a run at your house!
-- this girl is pumping up a few strangely fat laterals, much larger than the top main, while some of the smaller laterals look almost ready to take-:shrug:... it's like they are little vampires sucking the support juice away from the other parts of the plant! :rofl:
Just wanted to toss this lady in here. Thanks Ronin Gardens, Bum wine(tyranascope) day 50ish.


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More like day 40ish, sorry. Forgot what day it is. Ha! Also, I know I'm late to the party here, hope I didn't crash it. Thanks again Ronin! Got another handful coming from DC as we speak!
More like day 40ish, sorry. Forgot what day it is. Ha! Also, I know I'm late to the party here, hope I didn't crash it. Thanks again Ronin! Got another handful coming from DC as we speak!
My first grow!! Bum wine is the back left this is at week 6 and she’s a little over 2ft tall! Have screwed up a bunch throughout the grow but she seems to be handling my inexperience like a champ! Ya live and ya learn‍♂️


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