Yes starting the plants with a higher notrogen mix has made them grow bigger before they started to show sex. That was my real hope in building these totes. The other one was to have them all sexed before they go into the big bubbly tank that way I don't have to worry about some male sneaking in and fucking everything up big time. It has done that well also. What I wasn't expection is much better root growth than I was getting when they started in the main bubbly tank.
What I have always thought was that the nitrogen didn't produce better root growth. Hmmm. Maybe it does.
I grew the three tanks at different nuit levels to try and access what nutrient level would be best. I don't measure my7 nuits by full strength and half strength. I use my PPM meter. I used 400 PPM in one tote, 600 PPM in the second and 800 in the third. The 800 PPM level out grew the other two by a wide margin. In the Fall when I start up again cause I am closing down for July and August and way two hot to fight it out, I am going to use 800 PPM. For this test I used AN Spectra and got good growth and Vigor
. In the Fall when I start up again I am going to compare three different types of nuits to see if there is much difference. See you in the Fall for the indoor hydro grow.
My over all yield per plant was up about 30 % using the start up totes.
I am considering using a bubbly tote systen for rinsing to see if I can improve the burnability of the two day bucket rinse I am doing now. My guess is that It will so I will add the forth tote for rinsing in the Fall as well. I wonder how many days of rinse I will need and how many water changes in the rinse tote. Oh well feel free to give your opinions. I always value them. Happy growing everyone.