Budsons outdoor adventures

Great work Budson ! Love your grow sites see the soil looks nice already its black, i saw on gardening australia, black soil is quite high in organic matter. Nice selection also of strains. I also would start my seeds at home before going bush, gives them a little better chance, subbed in mate
Thanks Smokey! One of the reasons I picked these two areas was because of the leaf litter and decomposing waste on the ground.
Once I’m able to walk again I’ll test the soil, to see if it needs amendments, but hopefully not!
just made sense to start them at home, last thing I want is snails eating a tiny seedling
Thanks Smokey! One of the reasons I picked these two areas was because of the leaf litter and decomposing waste on the ground.
Once I’m able to walk again I’ll test the soil, to see if it needs amendments, but hopefully not!
just made sense to start them at home, last thing I want is snails eating a tiny seedling
You're welcome Budson. Excellent leaf litter is also natural mulch for the girls., and you put branching around for the Roos, Good your knee is good again. Seedlings would be super vulnerable at that age. Is your area good for rainfall? So far Spring here has be very dry. With my guerilla i would be relying on the rainfall mostly, as the ranges would capture a bit more rainfall than home
You're welcome Budson. Excellent leaf litter is also natural mulch for the girls., and you put branching around for the Roos, Good your knee is good again. Seedlings would be super vulnerable at that age. Is your area good for rainfall? So far Spring here has be very dry. With my guerilla i would be relying on the rainfall mostly, as the ranges would capture a bit more rainfall than home
The annual rainfall is around 60” (I think) a lot of people I talk to dig watering holes in old jarra tree stumps, as January is our driest month so I am prepared to haul water in at that time, but I don’t think it’ll be much, the second grow site I’ll pump water to when needed, the river is rather close!
Starts to rain more often again March/ April though, so towards harvest it’ll get easy again.

Howdy Budson , Great looking soil at your grow site . I'll be in for the long haul . :thumbsup:
Welcome Hecno, good to have the soil guru around
The annual rainfall is around 60” (I think) a lot of people I talk to dig watering holes in old jarra tree stumps, as January is our driest month so I am prepared to haul water in at that time, but I don’t think it’ll be much, the second grow site I’ll pump water to when needed, the river is rather close!
Starts to rain more often again March/ April though, so towards harvest it’ll get easy again.

Welcome Hecno, good to have the soil guru around
Sounds really good there, probably will get away without watering if summer is wetter than nomral. That wont matter for just January. I think for my lacation maybe hike down to the dam or leave hidden maybe some container to hold water a fair amount of it.
It is good! @smokeyfromau the older fellas always tell me how great the area is for growing, the only negative I see is the rain starts to roll in early March, could be an issue for mold.. we’ll see.
Drive your water as far as you can the night before, stash it in the bush under the cover of night, wake up early the next morning to beat the weather and walk your containers of water the rest of the way, that’s an option? Anyway..


Playing in the dirt today, man this osmocote is full of woodchip :eek1: mixing some random and weird combination of ingredients not sure what I’m trying to achieve here if I’m honest:rofl: but this soil is what the bag seed team will go into while I recover, just waiting for a mate to drop a bag of perlite off this arvo and some trace elements, so updates tomorrow!:d5:
Aggh what a headache! After my experiment mixing the random stuff, I made a super alkaline mix :nono: I live in the sticks so had to wait until we need groceries and headed to the rat race! I picked up some sulphate of potash, thinking that’ll work, another few days goes past and I finally get some iron sulphate! Mixed it up and just transplanted, don’t care for what happens, if I see lockout began I’ll water with a iron sulphate mix, I just want the bagseed crew out of the tent and outdoors to make room for seeds/clones :smoking:
Ill give them another 7days in the tent where it’s warmer to get established in the new pots, then I’m kicking them out!


I hope this little champ is a female, has already topped itself for me, thanks for your assistance

And the best preforming one


I know there’s not a lot happening at the moment but once I’m a able bodied person again, it’ll be full steam ahead to try get these plants in this late into the season.
It is good! @smokeyfromau the older fellas always tell me how great the area is for growing, the only negative I see is the rain starts to roll in early March, could be an issue for mold.. we’ll see.
Drive your water as far as you can the night before, stash it in the bush under the cover of night, wake up early the next morning to beat the weather and walk your containers of water the rest of the way, that’s an option? Anyway..

Playing in the dirt today, man this osmocote is full of woodchip :eek1: mixing some random and weird combination of ingredients not sure what I’m trying to achieve here if I’m honest:rofl: but this soil is what the bag seed team will go into while I recover, just waiting for a mate to drop a bag of perlite off this arvo and some trace elements, so updates tomorrow!:d5:

Hey Budson :pass: The soil sure looked nice out there, same march is wet here also, Hopefully it wont be too wet. Good idea i could drop the water just off the road in the grass, the council have never burnt this area which is great. :rofl: I think i would be the same, plan drop what little ingredients i could at the site, which still havent found:doh:, days are warming and getting longer

I read some bad raps on the Osmocote Organic Potting Mix, , maybe it was woodchips. You can fix the soil to make it less alkaline. How nice to be remote:d5: better for growing. The bag seed better move along or they will be out in the cold:woohoo1:I havent done clones before, but will try it, must be lke taking a cutting which i have done with other plants, :bow: rare to have a self topping plant, hahah i put these plant plastic barriors around the seedlings ,anyway i once mistakening bumped it and cut the send of a seedling, it was some work to fix it :smoking:

Aggh what a headache! After my experiment mixing the random stuff, I made a super alkaline mix :nono: I live in the sticks so had to wait until we need groceries and headed to the rat race! I picked up some sulphate of potash, thinking that’ll work, another few days goes past and I finally get some iron sulphate! Mixed it up and just transplanted, don’t care for what happens, if I see lockout began I’ll water with a iron sulphate mix, I just want the bagseed crew out of the tent and outdoors to make room for seeds/clones :smoking:
Ill give them another 7days in the tent where it’s warmer to get established in the new pots, then I’m kicking them out!

I hope this little champ is a female, has already topped itself for me, thanks for your assistance

And the best preforming one

I know there’s not a lot happening at the moment but once I’m a able bodied person again, it’ll be full steam ahead to try get these plants in this late into the season.
@Budson 420 The trouble with those bag soils and the amount of wood chip is that it robs your nitrogen in the break down process , That is why if you use it the best thing to do is age it 2 to 3 months before hand and add Charlie carp to it . [ N ] :thumbsup:
Hey Budson :pass: The soil sure looked nice out there, same march is wet here also, Hopefully it wont be too wet. Good idea i could drop the water just off the road in the grass, the council have never burnt this area which is great. :rofl: I think i would be the same, plan drop what little ingredients i could at the site, which still havent found:doh:, days are warming and getting longer

I read some bad raps on the Osmocote Organic Potting Mix, , maybe it was woodchips. You can fix the soil to make it less alkaline. How nice to be remote:d5: better for growing. The bag seed better move along or they will be out in the cold:woohoo1:I havent done clones before, but will try it, must be lke taking a cutting which i have done with other plants, :bow: rare to have a self topping plant, hahah i put these plant plastic barriors around the seedlings ,anyway i once mistakening bumped it and cut the send of a seedling, it was some work to fix it :smoking:
It just seems to be the low key approach to getting your stuff out to your area. Come on Smokey! Pull your finger out mate and find the spot! Which reminds me of last weekend.. My old man just brought a pretty flash fishing drone, after teaching him how to pilot it, I was thinking of next year.. imagine the growing sites you could find from the air with a drone! Drive out bush, and send it up, look for a natural clearing instead of beating my way through thick bush, like a episode of “Man vs Wild” :rofl: for hours on end, have I mentioned the Christmas spiders that start to come out in the thousands yet.. No?.. well there’s another reason to use the drone!

Besides the wood chips it might be an okay soil for $12 I just wanted to find a cannabis friendly bag soil from Bunnings that would grow a plant.
I haven’t done clones either but I’m going to try in a few weeks, can’t be to hard right..? :shrug:
do you have a current grow I can follow mate?

@Budson 420 The trouble with those bag soils and the amount of wood chip is that it robs your nitrogen in the break down process , That is why if you use it the best thing to do is age it 2 to 3 months before hand and add Charlie carp to it . [ N ] :thumbsup:
Thanks mate! Well the rest of the soil is brewing in a tub, out of sight out of mind, I’ll have another play around Christmas, I just decided to buy some living soil for the mean time, Guerrilla gro- dirt it’s called, it can be amended and reused, the weather is really warming up now, so time to get the ball rolling!