17 DAYS.jpg Hi This is my white dwarfs at 17 days old they dont seem to be growing as fast as my mazars but they look ok.its my first try at growing outdoors with autos when i lived in scotland i had a great growroom setup and grew some wicked weed but this is a different ballgame I nearly lost the lot in a bad thunderstorm last week hopefully they should be ready before the weather gets nasty again
looking good. white dwarf can handle almost anything and still yield around 15-20 grams each.
looking good. white dwarf can handle almost anything and still yield around 15-20 grams each.
Do you have autoflowers that you grew outside or in greenhouse that yielded that average? If you can show me, I will order my White Dwarf seeds today...
Planting multiple plants in the same container will never give you maximum yield - if they detect neighbours, there is no need to grow big to ensure procreation.
i had autos do way more than that outdoors on average.im starting another outdoor grow in july.i'll start a journal.
This is my first try at growing autos outdoors I will take photos weekly to show how they are getting on the MAZARS were my pick because they are more suited to the climate I tried the white dwarfs just to see how they would get on I also plan to try the new SUPER CALI HAZE to see how they do I will post pics weeklyCALI HAZE 2 WEEKS.jpg
Hi here are my white dwarfs at just over 3 weeks old as you can see Iv22-06-11 007.jpge added a auto watering system as they use a lot of water here in southern SpainWHITE DWARF 3 WEEKS.jpgMy super cali haze seems slow but my Mazar autos are going to plan22-06-11 007.jpg
WHITE DWARF 4 WEEKS.jpgHi here is my white dwarfs at 4 weeks they are starting to flower
Nice! Check out my WD, they are about 6.5 weeks from seed.

DSCN0984.jpgDSCN0976.jpgDSCN0975.jpgfigured I'd throw in my mutant white dwarf... 7 plants stuck in one body...