New Grower Bud Porn! Somethin' stank and I want some!

Awww Well done Girl is all I can say :bighug:This has to be my proudest moment as an AFN mod lol .I'm not gunna lie ...when I got asked by a total noob to help grow in 4xDWC buckets & through PM's ,I was kinda worried .Heres a shy girl who has never grown a thing ,talking about doing 4 plants at once ...all different strains & under a t5 unit ,but doesn't want to start a thread either lol. I put odds of success around 33% back then .Shit I wouldn't try this now lol ,lots of hydro experts wouldn't !

Turns out one of the best grows I have seen in a while ,absolutly nailed it Nrk :worship:A few weeks to go on the others but its all plain sailin home from now .Look forward to all the dry weights & final yield ,chop pics ,bud porn :thumbsup:

Max rep to ya & keep us posted ,look forward to the next grow too .Dragon or DP BBKush for the prups fosho :pighug::smokeout:

Aww dub, you softy! You da man, you da man! Couldn't have done it without you. Luv me some cookie!
Lovely first grow NRK,nailed it first time.
Ive got to try these bubblebuckets soon,ive seen some great results.
Thats some pump youre using,1744 gpm,wow.
Hey red!
Thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it! I take it you grow in soil? I went hydro cause it seemed less messy and it's in my tub so it went hand in hand but I decided to go the hard way I think. Coming along though. You should go for it! That pump is from ecoplus and it's a real champ! Look for harvest time pics!
This is your first grow??!!??
Respect!! This is EPIC!!

Aw waxi thanks for looking in! And the rep! Omg! I'm gushing! Means a lot to me.
It is my first grow. I think ddub slipped me some greenthumb! Ddub and reading posts from you and everyone here at afn has been a blessing. I'm looking forward to my next grow and learning more from everyone!
Hey red!
Thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it! I take it you grow in soil? I went hydro cause it seemed less messy and it's in my tub so it went hand in hand but I decided to go the hard way I think. Coming along though. You should go for it! That pump is from ecoplus and it's a real champ! Look for harvest time pics!
Im growing in coco/perlite using multi feeds/day with a timed drip system,in effect hydro.
Im just finishing my first run with it and im getting double what i got when treating coco like soil.
I love coco as a medium but i fancy a change and ive been meaning to do a bubblebucket grow
just using up the last of my coco,then i will give it a go.
Hiya Tim!
Whew, I'm happy I got this far! Sad to eye these go, but I'm excited about round 2!
Ugh... I'd try scrog, but with dwc? I just don't know how I'd be able to get to my res. I kick around some ideas in my head but can't wrap my head around how. I'll get the balls one day!
In terms of ease LST would be better but i have seen across done effectively with hydro/DWC.
I know how you feel tho, I'm on day 23 of my first grow and I'm planning my next to start in 2 weeks.
I've tried lst on this one and even at this early stage I can see the benefits.

Looking forward to those harvest pics
Yea have seen a few LST & Scrog DWC grows .Personally, if space is the issue ? LST to a frame attached to the bucket lid works best from what ive seen ...tie down to that & res changes are still no problem .Lykaboss does an awesome scrog DWC with a large set up ,elivated buckets & drains them with a pump ,maybe cleans them out & refills ?.All options I guess :smokeout::smokeout::smokeout:
Lookin forward to the chop pics :d5:
:bighug::woohoo::bravo::woohoo::spels: :spels: :spels:..... :drool: :hothot: :drool:

>> NRK'! Outstanding stuff by any measure girlfriend!- :d5::amazon:....don't think I've seen anybody spank the stank off their first grow like this to date, all the more impressively doing it in challenging DWC! :clapper: I can't wait to see the rest of the girls finish up,... the SR is a total fireplug of resinous bud! And the other three :vibe:'s are very promising indeed,... Of course, you know this means :eyebrows:, novice AFN grower, the Staff Party Bus will be rolling into your 'hood to before too long, to conduct extensive quality testing!! :rofl: :smokeout::thumbsup::pass::smokeout::thumbsup: :haha: ... I'm glad you found our wonderful brother 'Cocha, and roped him into riding shotgun! He's one of our finest growers, and a superb mentor- :bow::smoking::bow: (thanks brudda 'Cocha... Way to Represent! :pighug:).... even so, you've taken to this like second nature, and that means native skills my friend-- :greenthumb::wiz::greenthumb:Congrad's on such a fine start! ..... Has the SR come down yet? Post us some harvest porn if you have some, and dry porn is mandatory,...:woody:..from the way she looks, I think she's going to dry into dazzling iron nugg's O' goodness! :headbang:..........double smack-down for you and Cocha both!! :slap: :pimp::smoker1::slap: