Bubbled(aerated) water helps soil plants

Really, what research was that lol?

And no oxygen is produced, some is transferred, in case you're interested in actual exact science.


Maybe blow your horns in private before striking false tones in public haha, all it takes is a calculator, abacus or slide ruler and basic knowledge of how to operate such a device to get those pesky airstones to work haha

You could also try researching oxygen transfer to water which is the subject at hand rather than the quality and worth of airstones!

mmm, me luv actual exact science :biggrin: plz carry on... :smoking: ppp
ok, jus chimin in here for no particular reazon :biggrin: but it seemz to me that if an air bubble is travelin from the bottom to the top, but something impedez itz travel along the way, eg a root, and said bubble burstz upon said root, then ya, said root would absorb the oxygen, or at least part of it :confused1: but mebbe that'z jus me own stoned logic at work...:rolleyes2: so ok, me gettin me coat & plz carry on.... :smoking: ppp

(edit, after thinkin more) ...and wait, don't a few random bubblez here & there end up dissipating before actually reachin the surface :confused1: no really, me bein honestly curious for a minute...i mean, me know me should know the answer, but sumhow it'z totally escaping me stoned mind atm, sorry :rolleyes2: ppp