Indoor Bubbatrouble an DWC.

My biggest fear is not keeping enough notes to repeat the process. But I keep a note pad for each strain I run and it's dedicated to only that strain, some of my photos are on their 2nd books. But it makes it easier doing this way I think.
Magic has solid gear
I stalked your journals for almost two months here and another forum before I choose magic and everyone that has ran Bubbatrouble they are all consistent from start to finish. So I dropped my commercial runs and went only indie this time. What magic is doing has been my exact dream for almost 15 yrs. So I figured to accomplish that dream I need to run indie beans and see what it's like and go from there.
The icing on the cake was the interaction he has with everyone, I'm all about humble down to earth and he showed that and continues to show that everytime he chats with me. He has a supporter for life now.
The icing on the cake was the interaction he has with everyone, I'm all about humble down to earth and he showed that and continues to show that everytime he chats with me. He has a supporter for life now.
He is a good guy and he did not rush to put out his product. He took his time and did it right.
off and running,looking good top and bottom :thumbsup:show us your workings from time to time to its good to see what people feed what.may be of no use to me but for others that run the same nutes or strains could come in handy.
good luck n keep er lit.
off and running,looking good top and bottom :thumbsup:show us your workings from time to time to its good to see what people feed what.may be of no use to me but for others that run the same nutes or strains could come in handy.
good luck n keep er lit.
Planning to this evening show my feed chart and mapped out techniques for her. I really want to show that anyone specially new growers and new to hydroponics can invest roughly 150-200$ and get great American auto beans and all the equipment they need to have several runs with hopefully great outcomes.


DWCB GROW 7gal Tote
General Hydroponics (expert feed schedule, slightly adjusted) with

Start 1/4 nutes / work up from there (by her responses )

Start with 5.75gal in tote (work down as decent amount of roots start showing) work towards 4gal.(I started in a 2liter bucket til main root was 1" with others showing growth at least), then transferred

1.pH water to 5.5-6.0 (optional, I did so when adding nutes/additives I didn't raise pH to to far beyond 6.5)
2. Add ARMOR-Si to tank 1st then add CALI/MG 2nd.
3 Then add HYDROGUARD. (2ml/gal, w.eeks 1-flush week).
4. Mix nutrient additives
1-rapid start (wks 1-8,9)
2-flora blend (wks 1-8,9)
3- flora nectar (wks 2-10,11)
4- diamond nectar (wks 1-8,9)
5- floralicious plus (wks 2-10)
6- liquid bloom ( weeks 5-8,9)
7- powdered bloom (wks 9-11)
5. Wait 15-20 min check pH (adjust if needed).
6. Use water to bring ppm down/ use nutes to bring up.
7. Use pH up/down to balance water to 5.5-6.5 before nutes/additives are added. 1-2 ml/gal usually max needed.
8. Check pH, EC, TDS, PPM, temps, daily. (I Check EC put don't but I don't or won't adjust for it if under 1.8)
9. Change Tote water every 7,10,14 days. ( You can flush your roots during this time if you want, can use water or CLEANER-botanicare, or others available, flush for 2 hours).
10. Use Flora Kleen to flush last week. (Debated topic so optional step) ml as bottle directs.

Chart Icons
®- repeat week (optional if needed)
∆-transition weeks
¶- flush

These are in ML /GAL (adjust amounts to visual needs of Bubbatrouble)
**All amounts are not exact,these are just what works for me.


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