Brother Mendel's Selections Midwest Widow Q4 2021 Grow-and-Show!

DAY 36
Tent temp: 80 PAR: 480
Brother Mendel's Midwest Widow
So…I have been having some issues with yellowing leaves and the like. I tried everything, but I am stumped. My poor unhappy little light green,
yellow leaves , droopy baby!!! :eek1: I decided to clean out everything and start her on a different feed yesterday~ Canna Coco A & B, Rhizotonic, and Cannazyme. I used their “light feed” schedule and then cut amounts in half for an autoflower. She seems to have greened up a bit as of this morning, and I now see signs of flowering!


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Day 36 she continues her vigorous growth. Did some defoliation on her. She got a Recharge bath today, and will be back on Megacrop tomorrow.
Looking great grasshopper! What's in your medium again? 70/30 coco/perlite?
Day 39 : I am getting some of the same light yellowing and a scant few leaves with the rust spots appearing. Whatever it was seems to have passed as growth continued and I have not seen any more pop up. Not sure what did it to mine but very similar to both @CannabisMingus and @nizmoKush . Very interesting as all three of us have different grows going on but nearly the same issue around the same day.



From the overhead you can almost see all the leaves at a certain point developed the brown spots.


DAY 40
Tent temp: 80 PAR: 400
Brother Mendel's Midwest Widow
Good morning peeps! I have been having some serious issues with my plant yellowing and just looking sick. New growth is green, but overtime starts to yellow. I have tried everything and I am just so stumped. I decided to flush/refeed/relight my little lady. Flushed her with 5 gallons of fresh feed and a touch of extra Nitrogen, then put her under my T5 light to baby her for a bit. This morning she seems greener and a little happier. Poor thing has been through the ringer with me and she is hanging in there!! :biggrin:


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