Grow Mediums Briman runs the Mephisto Chemdoggin

Interesting light!

Thanks @Hansbricks! I upped their cal/mag and they are doing great. Stretching a bit now. Heading into week 5 and I have a new toy, that will make you all go.... WTF IS THAT!!?? Here we have a new LED in the briman tent and its the baddest led on the planet. Most updated tech and it even comes with mcobs, multi spectrums and a cell phone app called "The Leaf App" to run it my smart phone!!! I can check internal tent temps too! Only thing its missing is a 24mp camera!! If it had a camera on it, I'd never have to unzip the tent!! Multispectrums at my fingertips all ran via wifi!! :eyebrows:
the girls...gettin their stretch on....
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yes sir, mcobs will be the way of 2017! Gonna be hard to keep up with the tech going forward! having an app on your phone will be the way of the future! You heard it here first! Not saying its better, just different.
Is that light really over $2k?
Yes sir! She is an expensive piece of much needed equipment!!:biggrin: All 5 spectrums of the sun, reds, blues, whites, uvb and IR!! You can simulate sun rise and sunset with the IR and UVB:headbang:
Can I use it to get a tan also?
Headed into week 8 and I think these will go to a full 12 weeks, the way they are acting. Still forming up flowers and both plants drinking 4 gallons every 2 days! temps are doing great and this led is superb. I may need to up their feed and cal/mag a bit. Will be loving to see these gals pack on the wieght! Any questions or concerns, let me know!
Headed into week 8 and I think these will go to a full 12 weeks, the way they are acting. Still forming up flowers and both plants drinking 4 gallons every 2 days! temps are doing great and this led is superb. I may need to up their feed and cal/mag a bit. Will be loving to see these gals pack on the wieght! Any questions or concerns, let me know!
Concerns, I have a concern! You gonna have way to much flower around after that harvest and some of us might have to come over and help with that serious problem. :rofl: