Grow Mediums Briman runs the Mephisto Chemdoggin

Sorry about the lack of updates!! Been a busy last few weeks! here are my gals at the beginning of week 4 and I raised the leds to the top of the tent, to induce stretch. They are busy little things! temps rock steady at 81*F and RH is at 43%. All is goot and they are on 1 ml per L of sensi grow A&B. On to some pics...
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Wow bushy girls indeed, looking good Bri :thumbsup:
Thanks @Hansbricks! I upped their cal/mag and they are doing great. Stretching a bit now. Heading into week 5 and I have a new toy, that will make you all go.... WTF IS THAT!!?? Here we have a new LED in the briman tent and its the baddest led on the planet. Most updated tech and it even comes with mcobs, multi spectrums and a cell phone app called "The Leaf App" to run it my smart phone!!! I can check internal tent temps too! Only thing its missing is a 24mp camera!! If it had a camera on it, I'd never have to unzip the tent!! Multispectrums at my fingertips all ran via wifi!! :eyebrows:
the girls...gettin their stretch on....
Week 7 and all is good in the tent. temps and humidity are rock solid and flowering up nicely! That Cirrus led is one fine piece of equipment!! I love the Leaf app of the phone too! Fun techie stuff! These plants wreak!! catpiss/dank canna smell on them!! On to some pics...