New Grower BR549's First Grow (or, I finally get off my ass...)

Okay, I'm trying something new with "B". I don't know if this is really something new (doubt it) or just so obvious no one bothers to mention it if they do it. I weighed an empty grocery bag. We know that we're going to lose approximately 75% of the weight while drying, so, I add the bag weight and the weed weight together. An empty bag weighs 44.7 grams, so the bag and the weed from B (71.6 grams) totals 116.3 grams. Losing 75% of the weed weight would reduce the weight of the weed to 17.9, and the weight of the weed plus the bag to 62.6. So, I figure all I have to do is weigh the bag (with the weed in it) every day, and when it approaches a total of say, 65 grams or so, it should be pretty close and ready to transfer to jars. This way, I don't have to open the bag until I'm ready to take the weed out, but I still don't have to worry about over drying.
why dont you want to open the bag?
Good question, but I'm not sure I have a good answer. WARNING: The following may be complete bullshit, but I'm going to write it up as if I actually know what I'm talking about-don't be fooled. This is what I learned from a grower back in the eighties.

Plant life is not like animal life; even though you've cut the buds off the plant, they are still alive, and some life processes will still continue. The point of using a paper bag rather than just hanging up your branches in the air is to slow this process down as much as possible without risking mold. This allows any nutrients still in the buds to be processed, and gives more time for the "dying process" (things like the chlorophyll breaking down and stuff). As the point is to slow down the process, any opening of the bag would allow moisture that has left the plant but is still in the bag to escape, speeding up the drying process and defeating the purpose of the bag.

Like I say, that could all be bullshit, but it's what I learned. If it sounds like bullshit, please speak up, as it would be more fun to open the bag and play with the buds every day! :biggrin:
Actually you're right ... I don't use a bag because I can't imagine laying my sticky buds on a piece of paper so I hang them but I'd say your understanding of the bag cure is accurate ... if I did use the bag cure I would open them daily to flip the buds for the first couple days to avoid mold ...
What a fantastic grow journal @BR549! Congratulations on your first grow, first "weed you've smoked that you grew yourself", and most importantly I think, congratulations on your first legal smoke too! I love that more and more countries are opening up to the concept of Cannabis as medication and recreation rather than a seedy vice of criminals, but sadly I'm still waiting for the tide to turn where I am!

Loved reading this so far, and the very best of luck with plant "C", will definitely stick around to see how she does too!
Thanks, Malevelo! It's a grow that took thirty-seven years to complete, as I just couldn't handle the stress of growing before it was legal. When I tried it in the eighties, I spent every day at work worrying that the cops would be waiting for me when I got home-I just didn't have the nerves for it! So, yeah, I agree that the legal part is most definitely the big one. Without it, I wouldn't be doing this-too chicken! I wish everyone had that freedom.
DAY 69

A day early this week. I smashed myself up a bit in a moronic bicycle accident (I was going too fast into a curve and panicked. Yeah, I tried to hit the breaks.) and while I feel better today than yesterday, tomorrow is a work day, and I don't think I'll feel that much like snapping photos and such after a day on my feet. On the plus side, my left big toe looks like I have this awesome blackish-blue toe ring...

Just some 'in tent' photos of our last remaining girl this week. She's getting closer, but not yet. In fact, I went ahead and gave her a bit of food today with her water. As you can see by the photos, I finally got my soil pH dead on and have been rewarded with a bit of nute burn. :biggrin:
Thanks, Malevelo! It's a grow that took thirty-seven years to complete, as I just couldn't handle the stress of growing before it was legal. When I tried it in the eighties, I spent every day at work worrying that the cops would be waiting for me when I got home-I just didn't have the nerves for it! So, yeah, I agree that the legal part is most definitely the big one. Without it, I wouldn't be doing this-too chicken! I wish everyone had that freedom.

Ive been doing it for 20 years...if they want to come and get me for 4 lousy plants(even if they are a bit big, its only I am I wish I had the freedom of legality, but I wont stop producing my own medicine on my own land regardless of how the law works.
Hope you heal up well from your bike accident! Plants are looking fantastic!