Photoperiod Bottom Bag Beauty

Being your first plant I think you should just leave them , that way you will see how the plant develops , which will give you a understand of the plants structure . Do you know what your soil ph is ?
I would have no clue what the PH of the soil is, I have a water PH tester though; I may test the PH of the water before it's next feed. What is the recommended PH?
Soil ph is very important .6.5 is ideal . both for soil and feed and water ph - In the last lot of photos you are starting to get nutrient deficences . Which can be due to nutrient lockout out coursed by to high or low ph .As you are new to growing one of these is a must .

This will tell you what your soil ph is . Plus A ph pen to tell you the ph of your feed . ----- Now -- SOIL for cannabis -- Is very important that you have good soil , Bunnings cheap soil is by no means any good .

This soil is soil that I have made using a Bunnings cheap soil but amended and aged for over 6 months . I you don't get on top of your ph the plant will go down hill fast . I recommend that you google the things that I have typed in bold . That will give you a lot better understand . :thumbsup:
@SeedsWeeds Hows the grow going mate . Don't let it overwhelm you . Just keep asking questions , we are here to help . [emoji106]
Just been working flat out! I've been keeping a close eye on her, feeding her regularly with A and B Growrite nutes and trimming off her dead leaves, and she's going great! She has gotten about 10cm taller since I last posted, and is up to my chest in height.... she has really went bang as I upped her nutes a bit. I will post some updates soon.

In regards to soil, I have actually bought Canna's Coco Soil since I'll be doing an indoor grow in the upcoming months & I have been consulting with my close mate who has done all this before.

Surprisingly enough, the plant is super resilliant. When I last updated you guys I was going on about the caterpillars, I've gotten spray for that and I haven't had an issue since, and I trimmed off the eaten leaves and she's bloomed back into action even at the sites she was attacked at the most!

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She's getting really big... I'm so proud of her, she has really pushed herself during the past few weeks, I'm so excited for her to start flowering! Does anyone have some tips to help her in growth before she starts budding? I've given her nutrients but I want to make sure she can grow to her full potential before she starts flowering..!

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She s getting bigger any bigger.. although today I've noticed something scary.. compared to the last photo I shared, she's looking a bit sad. The leafs are drooping slightly and are a darker shade of green, some leafs have turned yellow with some brown spots.. I hope she is okay, I can't seem to find any information on it. I did forget to water her yesterday so maybe she dried up a bit.. I'll see how she goes.

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I checked the soil and I can only really move 1-3cm of soil before I hit roots. It was quite dry and the pot was light in weight..

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I haven't posted much since I've got another grow going.

This thing is a pest haha, still no signs of pre flowering or even sex.. my mate told me to move it to a more darker place so it gets less sunlight, is that right? She has deffs become root bound to the pot, water is taking yonks to go from top to bottom. Also look at this shit, I ripped off a little node from one of the stems and it's just growing another one back [emoji24][emoji23] it doesn't give up without a fight!

I'm going to trim it a bit more today. What's everyone's thoughts on flowering, Melbourne time schedule (Australia).. should I move it into a darker spot of the yard? Also what happens if the plant becomes absolute pot bound, is this bad for the plants health?

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