Day 13 update
Well the girls received there last half strength feed today as the feed guide I'm following starts full strength feed on day 14 and the girls will get there next feed on day 15. The feed ph was 6.4 and a ppm of 287. Temps in the tent stayed at 26-28 and the RH was 38%. I noticed some yellow/brown stains on two of the leaves on the devil cream. Now I know I noobed out last feeding and spit a bit of water on these leaves so I'm hoping that's all it is, I've included extra pics of the leaves if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions. Also I'm wondering how much longer I should keep the lights on 24/0, I'd like to transition to 20/4 and since there getting there feed schedule bumped up this week is now the time I should swap the light schedule.
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Well the girls received there last half strength feed today as the feed guide I'm following starts full strength feed on day 14 and the girls will get there next feed on day 15. The feed ph was 6.4 and a ppm of 287. Temps in the tent stayed at 26-28 and the RH was 38%. I noticed some yellow/brown stains on two of the leaves on the devil cream. Now I know I noobed out last feeding and spit a bit of water on these leaves so I'm hoping that's all it is, I've included extra pics of the leaves if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions. Also I'm wondering how much longer I should keep the lights on 24/0, I'd like to transition to 20/4 and since there getting there feed schedule bumped up this week is now the time I should swap the light schedule.

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