Bob's Journey into Hybridisation and Genetics - For Dummies

@St. Tom, thanks for the rep buddy. I'm better...let's keep it at that for now ;)

Okidoki đź‘Ś

I was thinking, mind you I've consumed a complete Werther's original, on putting each girl in a large 20L binbag filled halfway up with air and then blow in the pollen somehow. Then shake the bag vigorously...this way I could create an enormous air movement inside the bag without getting pollen everywhere.
What do you guys think?

My missus showed me where the fire extinguisher is :face:
Luckily I'm a lazy stoner and didn't go to the store today as I already went out to get the spray glue. Hééé Hoooo....🙌
I did get a bit paranoid so I went checking every fifteen minutes or so and while my missus is still angry at me, I felt I could do worse then stay inside the study the rest of the evening...
While sitting among all them electronics and sensors. I quickly soldered together a Lolin D1 and a SHT30 (temp/humid) sensor together. Uploaded some code I wrote earlier to the device and Bob's your uncle...
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Inside the box the sensor is peeking through a hole and is locked in place by a locknut. :thumbsup:
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I'm sure that will work fine mate.
I always check my females first that day then I would pollinate my plant's . No cross contamination if 24 hrs have passed.
@hecno, thanks for the rep my friend :cheers:

I'm sure that will work fine mate.
I always check my females first that day then I would pollinate my plant's . No cross contamination if 24 hrs have passed.
Thanks mate. So glad to have you by my side :d5:
Btw, I've got some new pics for you to examine if you wouldn't mind?

Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - First choice
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Zoomed in...
Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - First choice
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Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - Large pheno
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Zoomed in...
Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - Large pheno
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Groupshot from above...
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...and from below.
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@hecno, thanks for the rep my friend :cheers:

Thanks mate. So glad to have you by my side :d5:
Btw, I've got some new pics for you to examine if you wouldn't mind?

Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - First choice
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Zoomed in...
Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - First choice
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Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - Large pheno
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Zoomed in...
Junk Dealer's Wedding - Day 43 - Large pheno
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Groupshot from above...
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...and from below.
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Flowers are looking full now mate . I would go ahead and pollinate you're female's.
Remove the large leaves before to help with the process. Spankin mate.
@WildBill & @R Wayne, thanks for the rep you guys :smokeout:

From what I see all looks good , also at this stage do not be afraid to take some of the big top leaf's that are shading . I do it all the time :thumbsup:
Was stalling the defoliation until flowering had stopped. There's actually room enough in the tent for all nine girls. But I get what you mean. Later today I'll do a sturdy defol :thumbsup:

Flowers are looking full now mate . I would go ahead and pollinate you're female's.
Remove the large leaves before to help with the process. Spankin mate.
Gonna take 'm down then...Everything is ready. So I'll see you on the other side my friend :cheers:
@WildBill & @R Wayne, thanks for the rep you guys :smokeout:

Was stalling the defoliation until flowering had stopped. There's actually room enough in the tent for all nine girls. But I get what you mean. Later today I'll do a sturdy defol :thumbsup:

Gonna take 'm down then...Everything is ready. So I'll see you on the other side my friend :cheers:
Happy days
Day 45 - Junk Dealer's Wedding
Gooday to you all :toke:

This has been a very short night for me. Just finished making pulled pork. There's no pictures so it didn't happen :shrug::haha:
It's now resting inside a coolbox, wrapped in foil and a towel to keep the temp from plummeting...

Anywho, were here for something else aren't we? "Yup Bob, we are!!"
So let's get on with the show...

First let me show you the (hopefully) pollinated ladies in waiting or should I say Baby mama's...
This was yesterday, just after blowing the pollen over the ladies. Each separate of course as each had it's own male...
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These are pictures from this morning...
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Even zoomed in for ya Sawney.
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And the other girl...
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Inside the tent access has been restricted between the hours of 8 and 9 am & pm because of the UV light that on between these hours.
Luckily by the time I was well and awake, 9 o'clock had passed and I could take a peek at these beauties. Also...they had been calling me from 7.30am for another drink. You would think that near the end of the grow these plants stop drinking, but I have the feeling they are actually drinking more. And that with two plants less inside the tent...
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Brother hecno. I've done the deed and removed nearly all big fanleaves. Growth has stopped and the plants are focusing themselves on expanding them calyx's. Take a look...I did see I forgot one or two biggies, but they aren't bothering anyone...
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Next up are some close-up shots from the girls in the tent...
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Expand my pretties!!!
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Expand :wiz:
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Even the runt of the litter is looking scrumptious isn't she?
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Can't hardly wait for them to be ready...Still out of stash and not enough money to drive deep into holland in search of a shop that does sell to foreigners. If any Cultivator lives near Tilburg-Maastricht region and is willing to go in my stead, please hit me up with a pm...:thanks:
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Ok...Time for a time lapse :rofl:
Duration = 58 hours, speed = 30fps. Enjoy :thanks:


Bob :toke: