Dutch Passion Bob's Dutch Passion Grow - Auto Night Queen and Auto White Widow do Karel's BioTabs...

Interesting..... I'd clip that 5fingered leaf and see what happens. Give it a week or two.
Yeah, you probably guessed it right.... just discard/cut that weird looking WW lady :tang:

It's a rare genetic default that can happen with every autoflower/ruderalis genetics. Although the remaining plant can still produce decent quality weed it will usually be a smaller, less vigorous and lower yielding plant. Most of the times they grow out of it (tiger leaves and prints) as they get older but your specimen has indeed topped itself because of this mutation and both her leaf structure as well plant structure doesn't look good to me. Very unfortunate to see, but I would personally cut my losses, either pop a new WW seed or just take another Auto Night Queen out of 2 that you have spare and grow 3x Auto Night Queen and 1x Auto White Widow.
Dito, if you've got space for it I'd let it grow, see how much you can get out of it. Gotta love an underdog
Hey guys,

I cut the leaf as suggested, but will keep a close eye on it. If it stays small and doesn't grow well she'll get replaced, probably by the third Night Queen seedling. I only have four spaces and keeping an ugly duckling is to expensive inside the tent so...



Germination - Auto Night Queen 2 & 3
@DCLXVI Hey buddy, after thinking over Antonio's advice I pulled her today and replaced with one of the three Night Queen seedlings.

There were two nice seedlings, one is shown above and the other one got planted in pot n°4 here...

Zoomed in a bit...

The third seedling remains in it's cup until I'm sure that the Night Queen I choose to keep is doing well.
You can probably see why this one remained in the cup? :naughtystep:


So, Night Queen n°1, what do you guys think?

Maybe have a look at the time lapse, as this is what kept me from trashing her. She's actually growing, although staying low to the ground.
What do you say @Antonio_DutchPassion? Keep her or replace with the third seedling?

And finally but not least...Actually she's my pride and joy and looking absolutely stunning.... Miss White Widow n°1 :kiss:

Looking healthy all over and only at day twelve. Going like a train...



Bob :toke:
Hey growmies,

So everything is going really well. Other then watering there's not much I can or have to do. Except maybe take some pictures and prepare a time lapse or two for ya guys :pighug:

Let's begin with my pride and joy. My 90's White Widow....:dancer:

She's at day 14 today and growing like a...weed :coffee:

Sideshoots poppin' out...

Won't be long before I'll cut that leaf away so the shoot can receive some light and start growing.

The time lapse shows the amount of growth. Speed = 25fps, timespan 50hours. Enjoy :thanks:

Next up is the oldest of the Night Queens. She's 14 days old as of today.

Although this one had a unfavorable start, she's pulled through and kicking ass.

She does stay low to the ground. Either this is an indication of her Indica heritage or something else. The new little Night Queens will be the prove in the puddin'.

Look at the speed of the new growth starting to grow...

Speaking of... Here are the three little ones. Two already in their final pot and one camping out in a small (200ml) cup...





To finish todays post...A magic act...:wiz:


Bob :toke:
OMG!!! Yesterday I moved the big Auto Night Queen to the same easy tray as the big Auto White Widow and connected the aquatank to the autopot system.
You guys must see the time lapse!! growth accelerated enormously!!
So let's start with the time lapse. Speed = 25fps, duration 24 hours. Enjoy!!!

Humidity also spiked last night. Probably got to do with the amount of water that's being used and transpired. I've adjusted the extraction fan to compensate for the extra humidity, but this is gonna take a while...

Auto White Widow - day 17

Auto White Widow - day 17

Auto White Widow - day 17

Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 17

Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 17

Auto Night Queen n°2 - day 7

Auto Night Queen n°3 - day 7

Auto Night Queen n°3 - day 7

Auto Night Queen n°4 - day 7

Auto Night Queen n°4 - day 7


Bob :toke:
Nice growth indeed in just 24 hours :thumbsup:Plants are now really going to take off!

Glad to see the other lady recovered pretty well :headbang:
Yeah mate!! everybody is doing great inside the tent. :thumbsup:
Again, a big thank you for you and to the rest of the Dutch Passion crew:bow:
Humidity also spiked last night. Probably got to do with the amount of water that's being used and transpired. I've adjusted the extraction fan to compensate for the extra humidity, but this is gonna take a while...
After some tweaking up and down I think I've got the extraction fan running near perfect to keep the humidity in step...
Allright... Let's continue with what we ended yesterday...Humidity and Temperature are in spec :thumbsup:

The plants are loving their stay inside the tent and are flourishing...
Let's begin with Auto White Widow. She's eighteen days old and growing like af m0th3f#(ker :headbang:

Auto White Widow - day 18

So I tried some leaf tucking on the White Widow and topped/fimmed (we'll see) her. I'm a bit late with the topping as she's on her 6th node, but she's growing so fast and strong that I feel she'll do better with multiple "smaller" buds then one large cola which would be to close to the light.

Zoomed in a bit for ya guys :d5:

The following on my list is one that changed place and is now my n°2 lady... Auto Night Queen.

I didn't top her as she's showing the trades of her forebears and staying low to the ground. The sideshoots are already emerging and in contrast to the White Widow hasn't got any leaf tucking done at all. :shrug:

Next up is this beautiful youngling, a Auto Night Queen from the second batch of seeds. She's ten days younger then her older sisters, but that's ok...


...the two younger girls are together in the same inactivated tray, so they aren't bothered by the constant wetness that the older ladies a being kept.


And last, but also least... A leftover...This one didn't make the cut. Compare her to her two younger sisters and you'll notice why I didn't choose her. I don't know if I told this already, but the two stronger girls are the ones that where germinated by Antonio's technique. So that is a skill I'll be using in the future. :thanks: buddy for the amazing advice you've given me so far :cheers:

And to end todays post a time lapse. Instead of four I can only give you one as my weekly upload has again been used up. In two days the new week starts and I can upload some more for you guys/gals :thanks:
Out of the four plants I chose lady n°2, Auto Night Queen. Speed = 25fps, time = 48 hours. Enjoy!!


Bob :toke:
Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

Let me begin by saying this is by far the easiest grow I've done/doing so far!! I think that when the second tray is connected to the tank I can leave for several days and come back to a perfectly running tent. The only thing I would rather also be able to do remote is adjust the light and extraction fan, so I'm going to figure something out that'll allow me to do just that... :d5:
But I digress...Thank you @Antonio_DutchPassion for suggesting BioTabs!! You've made my life so much easier. The only downside is...I'm visiting the tent not as often. :shrug::haha:
No, in all seriousness...You've convinced me in that even a monkey can grow weed with BioTabs. Never thought I would get this as a result. Thank you!!

Ok, on with the grow...

Again I did some leaf tucking on my White Widow and even though she'll be all perked up in a couple of hours the shoots will have received enough light to hopefully grow through the canopy :goodluck:
Auto White Widow - day 20

Really love the quality of the photo's from my new phone. AI mode rules!! :headbang:
Auto White Widow - day 20

A close-up from where I topped her...
Auto White Widow - day 20

Auto Night Queen is making very large and thin leaves. Almost Sativa like, but her growth is very Indica staying low to the ground and starting to create a bushy structure.
Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 20

She grows so wide that her shoots don't have to fight for light as is the case with the White Widow. So no leaf tucking or topping for this lady of the night.
Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 20

Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 20

Next up are the two younglings which are exactly half the age of the eldest ladies...
Auto Night Queen n°2 - day 10

They are starting to take off. Previously being busy growing a sturdy root system and talking sh!t with the mycelium :crying:
Auto Night Queen n°2 - day 10

I've started to use the leaf tips as my guideline to where I water around the plant. This way I prevented one of the two BioTabs from getting wet to soon in the grow. I think this is the way to do it with Auto's. On the BioTabs website there's a clip where Karel says to wait with the second BioTab until day 20 or so, but I foresaw the root system being damaged if I pushed that puck in there deep enough, so I put the two BioTabs in opposing corners of the pot, one being on the outside and almost in contact with the wet soil :thumbsup:
Auto Night Queen n°3 - day 10

Auto Night Queen n°3 - day 10

I hope you enjoyed todays post :thanks:


Bob :toke: