Bob's Dragon Seeds grow - Sweet Fang Lemon Auto

Day 39:

Hey everybody,

If you can read this :thanks: for watching my thread :thumbsup:
One hot day today. Temperatures registered 34.6°C in the greenhouse today and that was with the windows slightly opened and with the extraction fan on.
My little dragon has shown her first signs of being a lady, it might be that they where there yesterday, but today I took the time to sit in the greenhouse and check every plant for pests and diseases and it's by doing that when I discovered.
I'll soon be switching over to the Late Veg / Early Bloom recipe as the plant will need more Phosphorous and Potassium, but for now she's doing fine on the high Nitrate diet she's getting. Together with her girlfriend they are exploding in growth. It's a shame I don't have more camera's as a timelapse of the last three days would be like playing a movie :pop:






Day 42:

Already forty-two days into this grow. Boy oh boy time goes by so fast with these young ones... Oh Sh!t, now I sound like an old man, oh wait...I am :pighug:




Day 45:

This sexy dragon is huge!! momentarily the tallest of the bunch and that's counting the Sweet Amnesia Haze that's finishing a couple meters away!
She's also starting to get into flower which is why I made the Bloom version of the two-part MC recipe and she's drinking 5L a day of it. The pH 6.10 and EC 650 ppm of the nutrient solution...



Day 46:

It was an extremely hot day today. Couldn't get the greenhouse temp low enough and this dragon is showing it. A bit less then her neighbor, but it's showing none the less...I diluted the nutrient solution today as with hot weather plants take up more water then they do nutrients. Just needed to add a couple of ml Sulfuric acid to get the pH back to 5.95. Slowly I'm going to be raising the pH of the solution to until 6.10 as near the end of the grow Potassium and Phosphorus are more available in that pH range.

Should I clean up below the skirt? And if so, how much? Oh and yes, that's little Allif in the corner :d5:




Day 49:

Almost fifty days old this dragon is... Time goes so fast when your getting older :sleeping:
As I told in my other thread it was an eventful day and went multiple times to the greenhouse.
In the morning to water the plants and take some pictures, because...well you know Friday don't you :woohoo:

Take a look at those pistils :drool:


Later today, this evening to be exact, my alarm went of so I didn't forget to reapply the Rot Block @Phyter gave me. When the plants are actively growing one should apply the product once per week so the mycelium can expand to the new growth Phyter said to me. And since it has been more then one week ago. ahum, 19 days to be exact. I gave all plants except the one nearing it's end a good soaking. I did add some bio-soap (about 1 ml) as a surfactant, which in turn reduced the amount of drop forming. There where still drops, but the entire leaf stayed nice and wet...:yay:


Day 52:

Seven weeks have past and this beautiful Dragon is full on in flower. She's throwing pistil after pistil and loving her stay in the greenhouse.
As I usually do I filled the nutrient tank with a new batch of nutrients yesterday evening. This way the solution gets aerated during the night and the temperature of the solution stays nice and low. If I would make it in the morning it would warm up during the day and it wouldn't have as much dissolved oxygen in it because of the higher temperature.
This lady is going au naturel. I haven't topped or cropped it. Didn't spray it with the BAP+TRIA+BRASS mixture as I did with the previous plants (ie, Bruce Banner and Amnesia Haze) just to see what the genetics are all about. I did spray it with Ethephon as this promotes the formation of female flowers by releasing ethylene. This product is so potent it can even convince a male to make female flowers! But don't use more the 400 ppm and only do one foliar one week before flowering starts...
For the moment I see lot's of similarities with the SCCC grow as both plants are about the same height and have the same stamina. I'm not saying the genetics are the same, rather that the grow pattern is similar. Both have vigorous growth, show healthy leaves and are loving their 20 gallon fabric pots. They are the tallest in the greenhouse, that's for sure...

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 51

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 51

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 51

The small white dots you see is just residue from the Rot Block I got from @Phyter - Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 51

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 50

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 50

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 50
Day 55:

Look at what a beast this Dragon has become. She IS the biggest in the greenhouse, by far :woohoo1:

The main cola is already forming with pistil ridden flowers. Not that I'm complaning ;)

Never found the slug that did that. Well point for nature :thumbsup:

Even the lowest bud is looking like :fire:


Day 57:

Only a picture update today guys. Dang, that Amnesia Haze is guuud....:dizzy:

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 56

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 56

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 56

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 56

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 57

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 57

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 57

Sweet Fang Lemon Auto - Day 57


Day 61:

Hey Guys,

This Dragon is full on in bloom. The calyxes are starting to expand and trichomes are starting to apear.

An extremely nice looking top cola. :goodluck: Let's hope I don't f#(k this up

As you've might have noticed I have applied the Rot Block again as after a week there was so much new growth which warranted a new application. The only thing is you get this little residue on the leaves, but it doesn't harm the plants. There should be a warning added that this happens and is a normal byproduct after application. The advantage is you can see where you've been the next day and how much you applied. More white spots means you've applied longer at that part...


