Indoor Blueberry Skunk Auto

I have been a bit tardy with my updates (apologies for that).

Blueberry Skunk D114:
her buds are finally starting to fatten up - feeling a bit relived and hopeful that she won't be a bust.

Runtz D100:
It looks like we are in the homestretch now - I can see the buds changing color (becoming purple) and the buds are getting heavier so all the stems have started to sag to the sides. Would love to hear suggestions on how much longer I should wait before I harvest.

Couple of closeup shots of her buds:

Blueberry Skunk D126:
Her buds are finally starting to fatten up, but she is having a few issues with white flies and mealy bugs, so I have been treating her with neem oil and other organic pesticides - just hoping that I wont end up with a mildew issue given the summer heat in my country.

Runtz D112:
She continues to grow and the buds are getting fatter with newer buds forming at the lower levels. Issue I have is that the buds aren't evenly developed - the part that is away from the light is not as developed as the other half. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

These pictures are from 11 days ago - will take a few tomorrow and post them here.
quick update: I turned the plant around and now the parts of the buds that weren't directly exposed to the light are being exposed to it, so I am thinking will help ripen them well..

I am dealing with a white fly, mealy bug and scale issue - scale issue is still minor, so I scraped all of them off the stems, but I will need to continue neem oil + organic pesticide for the remaining issue - amazing that the plant is within a sealed cabinet and these pests have managed to get in!
Blueberry Skunk D141:
She is continuing to grow. Her buds are getting fatter, but I seem to have a mealybug issue with her that I am dealing with.

Runtz D127:
I am getting ready to chop her down. A few buds might have mold (not sure need to check). It has been raining here, and I have gotten terribly busy, so tough to manage overall. I never expected her to grow for this long and there are newer buds at the bottom of the plant that are yet to develop fully, so I might do a partial chop.
Should get some nice bud, good job. If it was me, I'd just harvest both at this point and call it a day. There's always going to be some lower buds that don't fully mature, they still make good extracts though.

You could do a staggered harvest, but it really only is worth it if you've got lots of nice buds down there. With the pest pressure and possibly mold issues, they won't last long enough to get any bigger at this point.

Also, with the pests and neem spray, I would rinse them off in a bucket of cold water after chop to get some of that off. Then make sure to break the plant up enough so it doesn't mold while drying. Good air flow is important.

Looking like your perseverance has paid off, here's to getting some good meds for your Dad :cheers:
Should get some nice bud, good job. If it was me, I'd just harvest both at this point and call it a day. There's always going to be some lower buds that don't fully mature, they still make good extracts though.

You could do a staggered harvest, but it really only is worth it if you've got lots of nice buds down there. With the pest pressure and possibly mold issues, they won't last long enough to get any bigger at this point.

Also, with the pests and neem spray, I would rinse them off in a bucket of cold water after chop to get some of that off. Then make sure to break the plant up enough so it doesn't mold while drying. Good air flow is important.

Looking like your perseverance has paid off, here's to getting some good meds for your Dad :cheers:

Thanks much for the advice - I think I will do just that. It's been pouring non stop here for days now, so waiting to chop it down. I will chop down the whole plant and dunk it in cold water to try and eliminate all remaining pests or mold (will dip the suspected mold buds in a different bucket). I have a circulating fan to dry out the buds, or I might just use a hair dryer for spot drying (is this a good idea?)

And yes, can't wait to make FECO out of this for dad - still need to dry and cure. I have got grove bags for curing and plan on using brown paper bags for drying.
I harvested my Runtz - got close to 1 kg of wet trimmed buds, but lost about 200 grams to mold (have kept these buds in a separate area). I am pleasantly surprised that I managed to get such a nice yield - really do think autopots made a huge difference.

I have the buds in multiple brown paper bags right now, but my humidity is extremely high, around 80%, so need to figure out how to reduce it.

Is there any way to save the buds with mold?

PS: will post pictures of the harvest soon :)