Photoperiod Blueberry basement boogie

Just some pics of the outdoor partially white black domina clone. I am finding a few seeds in my other already harvested partially white black domina clone :baked:
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The Blueberries are now in 12-12 flower mode starting now. The only bite in the seat meat is why is one of my plants flowering ? The seeds were supposed to be photos. Oh well she will have to endure the same light as the others and we will see how she does. The nematodes are really doing a number on the fungus gnats I only see a few. They are looking well on this end. The MarsHydro SP-3000 is giving good plant growth :thumbsup: Also a few pics of the outdoor patio plant harvest :bighug:Happy farming :toke:


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The Blueberries are now in 12-12 flower mode starting now. The only bite in the seat meat is why is one of my plants flowering ? The seeds were supposed to be photos. Oh well she will have to endure the same light as the others and we will see how she does. The nematodes are really doing a number on the fungus gnats I only see a few. They are looking well on this end. The MarsHydro SP-3000 is giving good plant growth :thumbsup: Also a few pics of the outdoor patio plant harvest :bighug:Happy farming :toke:
thats a weird one maybe you got a auto mixed up with them strange how it grew exactly the same as the others except the flowering whos the breeder
thats a weird one maybe you got a auto mixed up with them strange how it grew exactly the same as the others except the flowering whos the breeder
I got the seeds from Farmers lab in BC Trichome and I see they also have a fast flower version, looks like they got mixed up. :shrug: My last order I ordered some Blueberry seeds and I received Bruce Banners so they did get it closer this time. :rofl:
I have been watering with 500cc of RO water and Cal-Mag every day at lights on. I am feeling a little guilty because they look so well and I have only fed them twice with top dress. Starting the stretch. I cant help but wonder about a auto run after this intruder showed up. :pass:


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A few days ago I noticed some aphids on the flowering auto plant so I pulled them all outside to hit them with the sprayer. I mixed up some Pyganic and water to spray them with. I only am seeing dead aphids now. The unknown auto is really a stinker. She smells like fruit mixed up with diesel fuel and is maturing fast she is under 60 days old. The Blueberries are stretching and widening out. I pulled 2 out from under the Marshydro SP-3000 and set them under a 400W HPS so they would all have enough room.


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I moved them into a larger grow room. When I get in a grow tent I am like the proverbial bull in a china shop so this will help with the upkeep and minimize my damage. They are also under my new MarsHydro SP-3000 lights. :toke: View attachment 1235648
I was just looking at 1 of these for my tent, how you like the SP-3000?