Sweet Seeds [Blue] Sweet Seeds - BlackJack & Cream Mandarin

Wow! Variegated weed! That's gonna look trippy! Would like to breed that trait into a regular strain. "Creme Mandarin Swirl". :grin:
Lovely Babies, Blue!

Salutations Princess BLUE*

The King expects you are ship shape and in bristol fashion after a weekends run-ashore...

Remember Miss Princess Uma started life off as a variegated-runt-mutant and she's pulled around nicely and is back on course to Treasure Island.... So don't go making your young lady walk the plank just yet....
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Maybe the mutant has more cream than the other!

Good luck Blue

Nice photographs.
The variegated "mutant" looks cool, hope she stays that way and produces some cool flowers too!

Wow! Variegated weed! That's gonna look trippy! Would like to breed that trait into a regular strain. "Creme Mandarin Swirl".
Lovely Babies, Blue!


Cheers folsk :) seems like there's some curiousity interest in the mutant so i'll try and see her through to the finish ^_^ Who knows how she'll turn out!

Salutations Princess BLUE*

The King expects you are ship shape and in bristol fashion after a weekends run-ashore...

Remember Miss Princess Uma started life off as a variegated-runt-mutant and she's pulled around nicely and is back on course.... So don't go making your young lady walk the plank just yet....
Ahh Mr Jorilla Sir! :) :Sharing One: I do remember how Princess Uma started out - I'm gonna go back and check but i'm sure your day 7 girls look like my day 16 girls >.< It's not a competition, but I sure would like to get better starts on my young uns, it seems like the bit that's tripping me up early and holding back from the monster yeilds! I dunno :)

maybe next time ii'll try cracked seeds into root riots in a heated propogator - see if that gets them off!

Does anyone think a light foliar application of epsom salts (1 teaspoon per litre at 6.0ph) would help them along at this stage?
Mannnnn ^_^ I just went to refersh my memory - The growth you get from Day 7 -14 is ridiculous! :) Kingly skillz indeed!


Salutations Princess

Canna recommend for their Coco Professional growing media a minimum feed strength of EC 0.8 in order not to upset the buffering... your ladies formula may be a little on the watery side....

Epsom salts not yet....

Though Jorilla defers to any Coco Kings who may be reading....
I had A Sour Diesel do it ..Just in Fans ...awesome.to see that Again...
Thanks for the heads up Jorilla, it prompted me to go to the canna site and on the front page in a new video about coco and buffering


Very informative/usefull to anyone who's using coco or canna coco professional.

So has the Commodore Captain High Princess BLUE* made her way to the galley to prepare some more nosh for the poor ladies who were fed such meager rations?
Ahh Mr Jorilla! :)

Well after yesterdays revelations - I had to get on my white coat and do some serious lab testing and re-calibrations :)
Although i scoured the Canna forums, i could not find that info on EC you kindly put my way.

Results of the (bathroom) Lab tests (after very carefull calibration and re-calibration)

Water: Tescos Bottled
PH: 6.3
EC: 0.1

Same Water: with 2ml per litre rhizotonic
PH: 7
EC: 0,.1 (the fishy rhizo does nothing to the EC)

-- then PH'd back to 6.3

Same water with rhizo: Added 1ml A&B
PH: "A" did not change it - "B" dropped it to 6.2
EC 0.5

(this was all for a foliar feed)

.. So my slight concern being that to get to an EC level of 0.8 with the water i'm using - i will need to add about 1.5ml per litre of A&B - which "feels" a little strong at this stage - but is it all about the EC?

Whats your thoughts on this Jorilla buddy :)