Sweet Seeds [Blue] Sweet Seeds - BlackJack & Cream Mandarin

Oh dear... oh dear... oh dear...
I knew "somebody" would notice!! hehe

My humble apologies for lack of updates - Monday was my dear mothers birthday so instead of my usual strict routine I made a slight deviation and took her out shopping instead :)
Then the real garden needed some attention as the weather has been awful and i like to keep my garden tidy!

But the update kinda goes, I've upped the feed to 1.5/1.6EC - I'm throwing the kitchen sink at them.

Rhizo, Cannazyme,A&B, Boost, Explode, Calmag ... the flipping lot! lol

I made a seriously stupid error with my Blackjacks last night - got all the feed in there, got the EC right and just merrily watered 3 litres of un-ph'd feed through them. Even worse is it was my settled tap water - about 7.8ph give or take a bit for nute changes.

.. so bugger it! hopefully they'll just put up with it >.<

I kicked myself hard and then moved on to my Cream mandarins and watered them properly.

Storm is still 50% white on half of the leaves on one side of the plant.

One of the Blackjacks has developed mysterious black spots and yellow leaves where the other one in the same pot is fine and healthy.

All in all, this grow wont set the world on fire hehe, but it will fill a couple of jars :) - That'll keep me happy!

Thanks for checking in Mr Jorilla! ^_^

Very strong plant, i think the seedbank stuffed up my order and gave me photo seeds, which im happy about now. are yours auto or photo?
Hey buddy,

My blackjacks are Autos - I'll pop over and take a looksy at your girls :)

:Sharing One:
Nice Blue. I finished up a Cream Mandarin auto a few weeks ago, I did have a Blackjack auto growin with it but dropped it a week after germination and it did not recover. Still have 2 more seeds of each strain that I will grow out once I get my hands on some Collodial Silver to make me some seeds of them. I loved how that Cream Mandarin tasted when it was finished, gotta try the new Fast Version Cream Mandarin. Seeing your garden I got to give the Blackjack auto another try.
(Thank you again Tommy for gifting me those strains)
Looking great blue, green and strong and healthy :)

Waddya mean, "the real garden" ! Tsk, tsk, shame on you !

All the best,

BlackJack and Cream Mandarin Update.
Being Fed at 1.6 EC @ 5.9PH



BlackJacks (with leafs tucked ^_^)


One of my blackjacks went weird for no apparent reason. Most likely the perils of multi potting and I *think* the big one started strangling the littleone underground. I just deal with it :)

Cream Mandarins

The mutant storm is still mutated on one side, but bud sites are there so she's doing a fine job! :)

blue, no apology needed! quality is alway's better than quantity! and i see quality!:grin: i have a cm coming down tommorow. and am now comparing autojack 47 to blackjack!:drool:and having a grand old time.:dance2::Sharing One:
Blue it would be helpfull if You write how old Your girls are:)
Hey :) I'm having trouble posting a full reply today with quotes .. odd

-Cheers for the rep Komach! :d5:

-Astro, the cream mandarins sound delicious! and the smell coming from my cab is lovely sweet and floral with a bit of dank - no oranges yet! :)

- Hey Pas, they're about 45 days old! you could always check back a page or 2 for the date ;) *wags finger!*

- Seasick!! It's been a while! Hope your grows are coming along nicely! :d5: