New Grower Blue Dream’matic journal (Fastbuds)

:cools: :smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::biggrin:

Update ! End of week 8 here ! Day 56. Flowering is really taking off and beginning to bulk up all around. Smells are off the charts as well.. smelling like a candy store as I unzip the tent every morning. Entering the final stage of nutrients as well. Then I’ll begin the flush after a couple weeks. lemme know what you guys think. when should I start the flush ? The Fastbuds website says the plant is typically 9-11 weeks in grow

Looking good here do you have a microscope? Thats the best way to tell
:cools: :smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::biggrin:

Update ! End of week 8 here ! Day 56. Flowering is really taking off and beginning to bulk up all around. Smells are off the charts as well.. smelling like a candy store as I unzip the tent every morning. Entering the final stage of nutrients as well. Then I’ll begin the flush after a couple weeks. lemme know what you guys think. when should I start the flush ? The Fastbuds website says the plant is typically 9-11 weeks in grow
Great looking plants!! I got a bluedreammatic going rn thats in week 14 (day 102 to be exact) and still has another two weeks at least. Alot of her trichomes are still crystal clear. Really hard to tell without some kind of magnification
Beautiful grow! Yea get some kind of good magnification and read up on trichomes. One of my mistakes I still make is harvesting to early. If you need weed snip a few buds that look kinda milky for early consumption and let the rest fatten up until you see a real fade. There is no shame in being horny for the herb man, i know im guilty of it when im outta weed and have a jungle in my cellar :D
Great looking plants!! I got a bluedreammatic going rn thats in week 14 (day 102 to be exact) and still has another two weeks at least. Alot of her trichomes are still crystal clear. Really hard to tell without some kind of magnification
That’s awesome and also wild !! I thought they were supposed to get 9-11 weeks in length of grow? Different phenotypes or what?
Beautiful grow! Yea get some kind of good magnification and read up on trichomes. One of my mistakes I still make is harvesting to early. If you need weed snip a few buds that look kinda milky for early consumption and let the rest fatten up until you see a real fade. There is no shame in being horny for the herb man, i know im guilty of it when im outta weed and have a jungle in my cellar :D
That’s good to know ! Might have to invest in one of those suckers soon. I’m not afraid to admit I’m wanting som ganja haha.. growing definitely is teaching me some patience to say the least :cooldance:
That’s awesome and also wild !! I thought they were supposed to get 9-11 weeks in length of grow? Different phenotypes or what?
Possibly, it seems like most plants take a few weeks longer to fully ripen up than what the breeders quote. I did a lsd-25 by fastbuds that was ready by day 69, so I know it's possible for some to ripen in the recommended time but it's been the only one so far that's hasn't taken weeks longer than expected.
That’s awesome and also wild !! I thought they were supposed to get 9-11 weeks in length of grow? Different phenotypes or what?
Actauly it probably is phenos. I have two cheese started sprouted same day and one is ambering up her trichomes rn while the others trichomes are mostly crystal clear.
Possibly, it seems like most plants take a few weeks longer to fully ripen up than what the breeders quote. I did a lsd-25 by fastbuds that was ready by day 69, so I know it's possible for some to ripen in the recommended time but it's been the only one so far that's hasn't taken weeks longer than expected.
That’s quite interesting man! Curious to if mine will go longer than expected as well. Wonder if this is happening to more growers as well? Thank you for the information though. Learning something new everyday here