New Grower Blue Dreamatic balcony grow - first journal

May 15, 2018
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Hi guys,

I recently started my second balcony grow; I grew a NL x BigBud last year but it was purely out of curiosity. It was with all purpose soil, no nutes and no ph control whatsoever; it yielded a mere 3g which was unsuprising.

This time round I brought the good stuff home, living in Cyprus means it's hard to find supplies as we don't have grow shops here. Im using Biobizz Lightmix and have the biobizz grow, bloom and fishmix.

I got a 15L pot, mixed in around 20% of perlite then soaked it with 24h tap water which I had to bring the ph down with lemon juice, left the pot to stand for another 24h and planted the seed directly to soil (fastbuds blue dreamatic fem). It sprouted after 2 days on the 12th of May :)

The seedling is now 3 days old and I can already see the second set of true leaves slowly poking through the first set, and the cotyledons are looking strong.

Im having to move it back and forth from the balcony to my bedroom wondow sill to maximize the amount of direct sunlight, it starts getting direct sun at 6am till 13pm on the balcony then from 13pm till 18pm on the sill, so roughly 12h a day.

I will post pics tonight and will update throughout the grow so you lovely people can give me advice on it, not expecting a high yield due to the amount of sunlight but after the first mock grow im hooked :)

The baby at 3 days old. The red lighter is for size, its a small bic.

Will take better pics next time with natural light!

Ps sorry for duplicate pics my phone is fucktarded


  • Screenshot_2018-05-16-11-50-40.png
    448.6 KB · Views: 117
Hi @Lineker89 and good luck with your grow! :greenthumb:
May I suggest that you do an introduction in the new members area. You can also post a link to your grow there, as it will help steer traffic back to this journal. :headbang:
Update on Matilda (the missus named her).

Lost the lighter for comparison unfortunately.

Im struggling with wether I should water her yet or not; as I said before planting I soaked the whole pot so should still be good, thing is the sun is quite strong here so not sure if she could do with some yet at day 4... im not gonna start tje grow qnd fishmix combo till day 10 at least so if I water her before that how would I then go about nuting?
I have none of the equipment and let nature just do it. As I grow in soil, the PH should level off by itself. Start of the flowering would be according to your statement the week 7, is that correct? In many forums you can fertilize a lot, because the autoflowering generally do everything faster, that is, to stimulate the whole metabolic cycle. I also read that the Biobizz fertilizer takes about two weeks to work at all, because it first needs to be metabolized into micronutrients. Do you have experience with the Biobizz?

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Autos start flowering behind week 4-5, after showing sex and pre-flower, dependent to the grow setup and strain, i was using Biobizz many years, but switched to AN and now growing in Supersoil.

No nutes the first 2 weeks and you can give em as much sun as possible.
Hi all,

Sorry haven't updated yet ive been gettin fucked at work, finally got around to takin a few pics last night but the missus set the camera output to RAW meaning id have to process the pics to get them small enough. Will post again tonight.

Matilda is doing fine, still doesnt look like she needs watering which is concerning me that maybe shes not drinking as much as she could.. and turns oit shes only getting roughly 9 hours direct sunlight so wont be as big as I would have liked but fuck it i cant wait to fire her up :)
