New Grower Blue Dream, Sour Stomper, Black Strap grow

Day 52 for these ladies. The BS is putting on noticeably more weight than the others. SS is very frosty. I have to be honest though… The smell of BD 1 (front left) is out of this world dank. She’s stinking everything up. Very pungent and when I pull them out to feed she really stands out. My wife complained when I put her on my desk lol.
Things are chugging right along in this tent. I probably need to do a defol in here I haven’t touched the SS and BS. Honestly the BS is packing the most weight on so idk if I even need to do anything to it. And the SS is so frosty idk if I want to cut anything off of it lol.

Today is day 60 for these ladies. Decided to pull them all out and check trichomes. Wasn’t expecting anything really, but the SS is done. Every trichome is cloudy with a few ambers here and there. Gonna let her go a few more days. It’s a little disappointing that she finished so fast she didn’t really pack on much weight.






Today is day 60 for these ladies. Decided to pull them all out and check trichomes. Wasn’t expecting anything really, but the SS is done. Every trichome is cloudy with a few ambers here and there. Gonna let her go a few more days. It’s a little disappointing that she finished so fast she didn’t really pack on much weight.

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My stomper fattened up like crazy at the end, you may want to hold off and see.
SS still not really doing anything. The other 3 are still putting on weight. The BS is beautiful with the dark colors and white pistils. I threw my 1 liter king gelato in there to finish and I hate to say it but it’s way sexier than the others lol. Not much longer on it and I think this is gonna be my best 1 liter grow by a lot.
Checking trichomes again. The BS is actually almost done, mostly cloudy with some amber here and there. The buds on this plant are beautiful, there is so much color. I’m really surprised how much she fattened up over the last few weeks. Even more surprised I’m even getting a harvest considering I almost drown these plants from the beginning lol.


The SS is still going and does seem to have packed on a little weight. I’m not seeing any more ambers than I did last time I checked so I’m glad I didn’t jump the gun. My only concern with this plant is the dying leaves but I think it may be because this plant was closest to the fan and it has actually blown directly on it the whole grow. I just noticed and moved it up.
