New Grower Blue Dream, Sour Stomper, Black Strap grow

Sour stomper is dry. 27.75g :rolleyes1:

Sour stomper is dry. 27.75g :rolleyes1:

View attachment 1434998

:bravo: :slap: congratz on the harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) and keep an eye on ur alertz for ur secret decoder ring :eyebrows: ppp
:bravo: :slap: congratz on the harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) and keep an eye on ur alertz for ur secret decoder ring :eyebrows: ppp
I still have 3 plants to finish drying but, I'll take it! Thank you :)
I did end up chopping the BD's tonight. I was in a rush and literally just cut the colas off and threw them in a bag in the refrigerator. Didn't cut the leaves off or anything. But, I do like drying in the refrigerator, it seems to take 10ish days to get them dry to the touch. They still have a little more moisture than I'd like at that point so I've been putting them in a paper bag after the trim for 8-10 hours and that seems to do the trick. As long as I can keep them from overdrying I think I can walk them down to where I want them.

What is the lowest you guys like your humidity in your jars for cure? Is 58%-59% to low?
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Grow before last I jar them at 70% and long burps down to 60. The stuff I had left at four month was pretty nice. Spicy smell, sticky fingers, smooth delicious smoke.
It might have been bad, I could see it possibly getting moldy if taking too long.
Black strap. 26 grams. I’m a little disappointed with this. The buds were hard as rocks when I chopped her and now they’re airy. Still gonna be quality smoke but I was hoping for BS rocks lol. Crazy thing is the sour stomper yielded almost 2 grams more. Didn’t see that coming.
