not much new the cherry bomb dint make it i dont think but ill give it till my moxie grape kush popps thats auto so wont be keeped up to date one her but here are some picks took today
well i have started watering my girls 1 liter every time its need has only been need twice sorry not been uploading much been ill but tomorrow makes 14 days so im happy... would any have a look and let me know if im be hind in veg growth i think i will be as im using hps not MH but ordered wrong bulb will fix for next garden hand hope to keep a cleaner journal lol put here are some pics
well think to night at lights out im going to chnge to my 400 as running hps the hole way so but if my teps are 81f to 83f with 150 w more .. well ill find out and my next water will be 2 liters each and will be mixing dutch pro autoflower nuts but been told there autoflower nuts are there normal nuts with a diffrent chart well ill put pics up after feed should be in the next few days ... thanks for stoping by
well changed to the 400 first feedd to day 4. ml- multi total,, A, B in to two liters of water for all three gave half the feed now and will give othere half in afew hours
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