Sweet Seeds [Blue] Black Cream - Sweet Seeds - Coco

:D: Hi Blue! Don't you just love Sweet strains?... vigorous, stable, forgiving, free germ'ing, happy, trouble free plants! Your BC girls are picture perfect...:wiz:... I think they like your cooking!... Were you running 24/0 to boost them along some and make up some time? ... How's that cool new fan working out so far? *** :karma Cloud: for the new WW gal,... she has some nice company to be around...:brow:
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looking good blue :smokebuds:
Hi waira :) I'm loving my sweet seeds! Whatever I said about not being able to overwater my coco - strike that - you can! Lol, I did slightly but it's all good now.
The 24 hours light was really to get the seedlings started off, but as I had a few set backs on my "other" ones the light stayed 24 hours a bit longer. To be honest I think my sweets were looking a bit tired from 24 hours, so I've dropped it to my normal 20/4

The Small addition of cal mag (8-0-0) n was dumb - you live, you learn. Unnecessary and it caused a slight nitrogen toxicity which mad new growth dark green and curl down.
I've ditched the old feed and am now in at 0.6ml per litre of A&B and 1ml per litre of rhizo and cannazyme.

The fan is working nicely .... But I "shoul" have a new toy later which is even more exciting :)

Cheers sniper :)

Mole - I'm gonna let them all do their thing - the cabs too crowded to be messing about with string and I don't think they'll get huge huge :)

Thanks for checking in Dominas.

I'll try to take some pictures later on but might be difficult today.
Is you sitting on your couch looking out the window for the delivery guy like me ??
What's up blue? I got a black cream going to man! My germination isn't going as good as usual but I got some heat of them and think it might be ok! I'm subbed up and ready to see how yours do brother!
Hey Blue..
Was curious.. do you have a thread started that shows full cab setup?.. I ask because I'm about to install my cool tube, 250w hps, and using one 4 in velocity fan to blow air threw it.. mine is rated at 110 cfms.. I wanted to do reversal carbon filter setup.. ... I'm not sure if my fan has enough power to push threw the tube and out that filter.. to keep air moving and not over heat the cab...or if I.need to add like one 12o mm fan to exhaust air inside cab and threw the carbon filter.. and just run air from outside the cab.. threw the tube and straight out.. no filter.. since its a sealed unit.. any advice?
All day fisherboy :(
I sat all day waiting, GN sent me the tracking details about 4 as it still hasn't arrived and apparently the courier tried at 12.47? They tried to deliver it to an address 3 miles away and I then had to drive to the depot some 30 mile round trip to collect it!!! Came complete with 1/2 open packaging and the guy at the depot asking me what it was! Not impressed!! Gotta wait till the missus to go bed before I can fire it up and test it out!!! Hope all ok as box all scuffed up :-(. Hope yours got through ok with no dramas! They really need to have words!!!!