New Grower BlackCanna..OrganicEXPERIMENTS(newbladehere) click,click

I haven't really reached curing yet, but my understanding is that once the buds' stems snap when folded, they can be moved from the paper bag to the mason jar. Once there, it takes about a week to cure, but since I keep my herb in jars anyway, the buds will just sit there until they're gone. ;)
So you just give them a short dry, then into jars? Do you close the lid or what? Isn't here a lot of moisture left?
So you just give them a short dry, then into jars? Do you close the lid or what? Isn't here a lot of moisture left?
Pretty much, once the stem snaps when you try to fold it, the bud's ready to go in the jar. One person wrote that they open the jars for a couple of hours every day. They get the buds out for eye inspection and put the back in the jar with the lid open.
i ihad a great day today had to organize my garden took me the whole damn daay :D anyways cheers brothers:D

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Goodmorning :D yestetday i gave my outdoor girls i foilar spray for bugs,pests,.... But i will shere this secret by the end of my grow to make it intetesting since my grandma told me about this one hehehe :Di think the are loving it i need to repeat it today again :) and here and the shots from this beautiful morning :) its allready 17-19°C outside :D

Peace out :D

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First picture : Critical Kush -barneys farm
Second picture : random bagseed:) (sheesfemale)
Third : bigbang auto GreenaHouseSeeds:) in her somewhere about 80days old i think :) how long does she got? :D

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